The Boat Part 4

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Green dragged (y/n) through the bowls of the large ship by his hand as she talked. "Big ships like these always have random items laying around. You just gotta know where to look!"

"I don't know" (y/n) shook his head. "This ship has been immaculately clean" the boy spoke as he followed after Green. "I don't think we'll find much of anything"

"Did you not listen to a word I just said?" Green asked with a frown as she glanced back at the boy. "The last ship I was on I found a luxury ball just lying there on the ground. Sold it and bought a bunch of pokeballs"

"Right" (y/n) nodded. "But that wasn't a private ship right?"

Green was silent but nodded.

"Then a passenger probably dropped that" Green stopped walking so the boy did the same. "Nemona said we're the first passengers on this ship since her father had it made. If you find something it either belongs to the crew or one of our friends"

Green sighed before rubbing the back of her neck. "You're probably right" she let go of the boys hand. "Want to go back up?"

(Y/n) looked around the dark and dreary engine room. "I don't know, this could make a neat hangout place don't you think?"

Green glanced around. "I don't know, all in all I'd rather be in my room"

(Y/n) shrugged. "So would I, however that wasn't my point"

Green smirked and looked at the boy again, focusing on the first part of what he had said. "Oh yeah?" She grabbed the boys hand again and started walking back the way they came. "I like this flirty side of you"

(Y/n) smiled. "I like being able to flirt with someone. It's fun"

Green nodded and squeezed the boys hand as she spoke. "It is... I'm glad we get along now... after that first impression I made I thought it would be a lot harder to get you to like me"

"Nah, it's hard for me to dislike a cute girl" (y/n)'s response caused Green to roll her eyes. "That wasn't me flirting that was serious. Sabrina is the only exception"

Green shook her head but they kept walking. "So I've gotta ask, there's nothing going on with you romantically right?"

(Y/n) glanced at Green curiously as she stopped walking and looked at him. "There's a bit of a will they won't they thing going on between me and you... and me and Nemona... and me and Yellow... and Arven and Julianna... probably all just in my head though, except that last one that's gonna happen"

"So nothing more than you being attracted to a few people?" Green asked and the boy replied by shaking his head. She quickly pushed the boy against the wall behind him before placing a passionate kiss on his lips, surprising him. She broke it a minute later. "I'm gonna leave you to think on that. Come find me when you've decided which girl you want to attempt a relationship with, alright?"

The boy silently nodded before watching as Green smiled and turned to walk away. "Huh" he muttered as he felt his lips before hearing Green yell something.

He quickly turned his head and saw Green holding something up above her head down the hall. "Told you I'd find an item down here!" He looked harder and realized she was holding an ultraball. He gave a thumbs up and she turned and continued walking away.


"Where is it" Blue frowned as he scrolled through the Pokémon in his Pokédex. "Here!" He clicked on Riachu's dex entry and showed it to Red. "Its electric charges can reach even 100,000 volts. Careless contact can cause even an Indian elephant to faint"

Red's eyes widened as he heard his friend's words.

"Indian elephant is another word for Copperajah" they turned to see Juliana walking up to them. "Or is it one of its ancestors? I forget. There was some ancient Pokédex found recently where it said essentially the same thing but used the word Copperajah instead of Indian elephant"

"Oh" Blue and Red frowned, upset they didn't just discover some unknown Pokémon. Blue was about to speak again when he noticed (y/n) walk up from bellow deck. "Howdy sleeping beauty!You just get up?"

"No, been up" the boy spoke without making eye contact as he walked over to the side of the ship and looked out over the ocean, seemingly thinking about something.

Red and Juliana glanced at each other curiously before looking to the boy. "What're you thinking so hard about?" The girl asked.

"Options" he replied simply as he spotted a couple Pokémon surface before going back down below the water.

"That answers that" Blue spoke sarcastically. "What options are those which you are considering?"

"Ooh I wanna guess!" Juliana said as the boy turned to look at them. "Is it about what Pokémon you want to catch next?"

"No" (y/n) shook his head.

"Oh" Juliana frowned. "Uh... is it about a girl?" The boy was silent. "Ah! (Y/n) has girl troubles" she giggled happily. "Who? Is it Nemona? I bet it's Nemona!"

Blue smirked and looked at Juliana. "It's obviously Yellow"

Red just smirked as he crossed his arms. "Green" he spoke quietly although everyone heard.

"Nah" they all quickly turned to see Kris standing there. "It's Gloria or Arven" Juliana looked like she wanted to speak up but (y/n) spoke first.

"I'm not into dudes and although Gloria has the hottest accent known to man I can't deal with her" (y/n) said as he shook his head. "She's so-"

"Drunken?" Blue asked.

"I was going to say uninhibited but from what I've heard she's often drunk too" (y/n) agreed with a nod. "Although now that I'm thinking about it... that accent... no! Not adding another variable to this"

"Another variable?" Kris asked with a smirk. "So you're having trouble choosing between women?"

"Seriously?" Blue laughed loudly although he tried to stop himself. "That's such a sitcom cliché"

"Ah shut up" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he walked over to the group and sat down across from Red and Blue, beside Juliana. "I've given up on trying not to have crushes, it's to hard, I've opted to instead neutralize the whole situation by having all the crushes. That way I can learn to ignore them"

Everyone was silent for a moment until Juliana spoke. "That's actually kinda smart... so do you have a crush on me?"

"That's not important" he spoke as he turned to Blue so he didn't have to watch the girl smirk. "What's important is someone actually showed interest in me for once and I need to figure out if I'm ready for a relationship"

"Is it Green?" Blue asked which caused the boy to nod. "You're not ready for that"

"Nobody is ready for that" they turned to see Silver standing behind (y/n) and Juliana. "But I'd imagine that adds to the excitement of it"

"Is everyone just sensing my inner turmoil and coming to weigh in?" (Y/n) asked as he looked around for anyone else. "We've got half the boat here"

"Are you interested in Green?" Juliana asked the boy, drawing his attention back to her.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't" he replied.

"More than most other girls?" The boy nodded again. "Then go get her. Worst comes to worst you go on a few bad dates and go back to being friends"

"That is absolutely not the worst-" he was cut off by Silver.

"It would not be as bad as you are thinking it may be" Silver spoke decisively. "Don't think, just answer. Do you want to be with Green"

The boy was silent a moment. "How am I supposed to not thi-"

Juliana grabbed his head and made him look at her. "Do you want to be with Green?!" She yelled at him, causing him to fall back and quickly nod his head. "There you go! That's your answer"

Word count: 1359

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