AU: Zuri Morales teams up with She-Hulk

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Zuri Morales, also known as Spider-Man swung through the bustling streets of New York City.

Clad in a sleek black and red suit, similar to his brother Miles's Spider-Man attire, Zuri had inherited the incredible powers that ran in his brother's veins. He had spent years perfecting his skills, fighting crime, and protecting the innocent.

One fateful day, as Zuri was patrolling the city, he heard a loud crash coming from a nearby construction site. Without hesitation, he swung towards the source of the commotion, his spider-senses tingling with anticipation. As he arrived at the scene, he saw a massive green figure towering over the workers, causing chaos and destruction.

It was none other than She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters, a powerful lawyer who had been transformed into a green-skinned powerhouse after receiving a blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk. Zuri had heard of her heroic deeds and respected her strength, but he knew that she was not in control of her actions at the moment.

Zuri quickly assessed the situation and realized that She-Hulk was under the influence of mind-altering technology. Determined to help her, he leaped into action, using his spider-like agility to dodge her powerful strikes. He fired web projectiles to distract her, hoping to find a way to neutralize the mind control device.

As Zuri fought, he noticed a small device attached to She-Hulk's wrist, emitting a strange energy. Realizing that it was the source of her mind control, he devised a plan. He swung around her, using his webs to create a cocoon, trapping her momentarily. With a swift movement, he disabled the device, freeing She-Hulk from its influence.

Confused and disoriented, She-Hulk looked around, her eyes filled with confusion. Zuri landed in front of her, his mask concealing his identity. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

She-Hulk nodded, her anger dissipating as she regained control of her emotions. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what came over me."

Zuri smiled behind his mask. "No problem. It seems like someone was using you as a pawn. We need to find out who's behind this."

Together, Zuri and She-Hulk investigated the construction site, searching for any clues. They discovered a hidden underground lair, filled with high-tech equipment. It belonged to the villainous organization known as A.I.M (Advanced Idea Mechanics).

As they fought their way through A.I.M's henchmen, Zuri and She-Hulk showcased their incredible teamwork. Zuri's agility, bio-electrical and invisibility powers, and web-slinging skills complemented She-Hulk's raw strength, making them an unstoppable duo.

Finally, they reached the control room, where they confronted the mastermind behind the mind-control device. It was none other than the brilliant scientist, Monica Rappaccini, the leader of A.I.M. She had been using She-Hulk to further her nefarious plans.

Zuri and She-Hulk engaged in a fierce battle with Rappaccini, dodging her energy blasts and overpowering her henchmen. With their combined strength, they managed to defeat her and destroy the mind-control technology, freeing all those who had fallen under its influence.

As they stood victorious, Zuri and She-Hulk exchanged a knowing smile. They had not only stopped Rappaccini's evil scheme but had also formed an unbreakable bond. From that day forward, they knew they could rely on each other whenever the city needed their help.

And so, Zuri Morales, The Ultimate Spider-Man, and She-Hulk continued to protect the city, their partnership becoming a force to be reckoned with. Together, they proved that heroes could come from all walks of life, united by a common purpose - to defend the innocent and fight for justice.

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