MHA (AU): The Cheeseburger Thief (V2)

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Kyoka: (Downstairs, training her Quirk) Alright, just a few more minutes, and I'll be done. (Picks up some darts) But first, let's have some fun. 

(A/N: Just imagine Kyoka is in her living room)

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(A/N: Just imagine Kyoka is in her living room)

Kyoka: (uses her Earphone Jacks to throw some darts at a dartboard and almost gets a perfect shot) Alright, not bad. Now, back to training. (continues her training)

Zuri: (spots a cheeseburger on the kitchen table) Oh, hello there, my delicious friend.

Zuri grins mischievously and uses a web to pull the cheeseburger towards him

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Zuri grins mischievously and uses a web to pull the cheeseburger towards him. He quickly heads back to their room, thinking he got away with it. Little did he know, he had just made a grave mistake.

Kyoka: (heading to the kitchen) Time for a snack break!

Kyoka's eyes spot the missing cheeseburger on the table. A mischievous grin spreads across her face as she formulates a plan. She heads to their room, swinging the door open to find Zuri perched on the bed.

Kyoka: (grinning evilly) Zuri, we need to talk.

Zuri: (innocently) What's up, babe?

Kyoka: (holding back a laugh) You wouldn't happen to know anything about a missing cheeseburger, would you?

Zuri: (feigning innocence) Me? No way! I didn't eat it!

Kyoka: (raising an eyebrow) Really? Because my parents are gone for a few days and we're the only things here, and I know I didn't eat it.

Zuri accidentally passes gas, giving himself away. Kyoka's eyes twinkle mischievously as she realizes she has the upper hand.

Kyoka: (grinning) Well, well, well. It seems like someone has been caught red-handed.

Zuri: (playfully) Okay, okay, you got me. But what's my punishment?

Kyoka: (smirking) Oh, I have the perfect punishment in mind. You're going to cook me a new cheeseburger.

Zuri: (playfully refusing) Sorry, babe, I don't follow orders.

Kyoka: (getting into a combat position) Oh, really? How about a little ass whooping then?

Zuri: (still playfully refusing) Nice try, but I'm not cooking tonight.

Kyoka: (grinning) Alright, if that's how you want to play it.

Kyoka activates her Quirk, Earphone Jack, causing sound waves to emanate from her body. Zuri gets into a combat position and activates his Quirk, "Spider."

Kyoka: (laughing menacingly) You chose this path, my bad Spider~

Zuri: (evil laughter) I'm not cooking tonight, Kyoka~

The couple's excitement builds up as the countdown begins. They both know this is just a playful game between them.

Kyoka licked her lips while wiggling her fingers and winking

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Kyoka licked her lips while wiggling her fingers and winking.

Kyoka: (Smirking) Bring it on, my love~

Kyoka: (Smirking) Bring it on, my love~

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And Zuri gestured her to come at him.

Zuri: (Playfully) Come at me, my badass wife~

Imaginary Voice: READY? CLASH!

Kyoka and Zuri charge at each other, their excitement growing with each passing moment. The showdown commences, filled with laughter and banter, Spider and Earphone Jack clashing in excitement. Zuri used shot a web at Kyoka's face in an attempt to blind her, but she was quick to dodge. 

Kyoka: (While dodging a few more webs and smirking) Just give up Spidey! You're no match for Earphone Jack!

Zuri: (Laughing) I don't believe in backing down! 

Kyoka lunged forward, her Jacks extended towards Zuri. He dodged her attack, landing gracefully on the floor. 

Zuri: (Taunting) You're going to have to try harder than that, my dear Jiro! (Shoots a web at Kyoka's feet in an attempt to trip her up)

Kyoka smirked, leaping over the web and landing with a flourish before delivering a swift kick to Zuri's side, causing him to stumble slightly. She then punched him in the face and her Jacks striked him at blazing speed, causing him to stumble more. 

Kyoka: (Smirking) You were saying? 

Quickly recovering, Zuri shot a web at her feet again to restrain her movements. 

Kyoka laughs and activates her Quirk once more, sending sound waves through the webs and causing them to unravel. Zuri's eyes widened in surprise as Kyoka danced around him, her Earphone Jacks striking with precision. Zuri continued to fight as best as his could, but his wife and her Quirk was too much. The couple was enjoying their playful battle, showcasing their unique abilities and bantering back and forth, their love, affection, and admiration for each other shining through. In the end, Kyoka emerges as the winner, pinning Zuri to the ground with a triumphant grin.  

Zuri: (accepting defeat with a smile) Alright, alright, you win. 

Kyoka: (Giggles and leans in and kisses him) I always do.

Kyoka helped her husband up. They embraced and shared another kiss, their love and bond as husband and wife strengthened by their game. They then looked into each other's eyes.

Zuri: (Smiling) I'll go cook you that burger.

Kyoka: (smirking triumphantly) That's what I thought. Now get to work, my dear Spider-Punk.

Zuri heads to the kitchen, still laughing, to cook the cheeseburger as promised, with Kyoka following him with a laugh of her own. The couple's playful dynamic and love for each other shine through even in the silliest of situations.

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