MHA (AU): The Spider-Prank War

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Chapter 1: The Spider-Prank

Momo Yaoyorozu, a talented student at U.A. High School, had just returned home after a long day of training. As she entered her Mansion, she couldn't help but notice a strange web-like substance scattered across the living room. Confused, she followed the trail, which led her to the kitchen.

There, she found her husband and fellow student, Zuri Morales, the brother of Miles Morales, in his Miles Morales "Into The Spider-Verse" Suit. He was sticking to the ceiling.

Momo couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of her husband's antics. "Zuri, what on earth are you doing?" she asked, trying to stifle her giggles.

Zuri grinned mischievously under his mask and playfully narrowed his mask eyes.

"I thought I'd surprise you with a little Spider-Man prank, my love," he replied, his voice muffled by the mask

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"I thought I'd surprise you with a little Spider-Man prank, my love," he replied, his voice muffled by the mask. "Did it work?"

Momo nodded, still chuckling. "Oh, it definitely did. *Her eyes narrow and her grin turns wicked* But you know what this means, right?"

Zuri's mask eyes widened in mock fear. "Spider-revenge?" he asked, feigning terror.

Momo nodded again, her laughter turning into an evil cackle. "Oh, you better believe it, Zuri. You've awakened the spider within me, and now it's time for you to face the consequences."

Chapter 2: Momo's Spider-Revenge

The next day, Zuri, still in his suit, woke up to find his entire world covered in spider-themed pranks. His clothes were webbed together, his breakfast was replaced with plastic spiders, and even his toothbrush had been replaced with a toy spider.

Momo, dressed in her own Spider-Woman costume, stood before him, arms crossed, a triumphant smile on her face and her mask eyes narrowed. "How does it feel to be on the receiving end of a spider-prank, my dear?" she asked, her voice dripping with satisfaction and muffled by the mask.

Zuri couldn't help but laugh, despite the inconvenience. "I have to admit, Momo, you've outdone yourself. I never expected you to be such a master of pranks."

Momo's smile widened and she winked at her man under her mask. "Well, you know what they say, Zuri. Behind every great Spider-Man, there's an even greater Spider-Woman."

As the day went on, Momo continued to unleash her spider-themed pranks on Zuri. She replaced his shampoo with silly string, filled his shoes with plastic spiders, and even rigged the bathroom door to release a shower of toy spiders when he opened it.

Despite the constant pranks, Zuri couldn't help but admire his wife's creativity and sense of humor. He knew he had met his match in Momo, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Chapter 3: The Spider-Prank War

Days turned into weeks, and the spider-prank war between Momo and Zuri escalated to new heights. They both became experts in the art of deception, constantly trying to outwit and outprank each other.

Their friends and family watched in amusement as the couple's mansion became a battleground of spider-themed tricks and traps. It seemed like every corner held a surprise, and no one was safe from their pranks. Momo's parents and her butler shook their heads while smiling and allowed her and her spider to have their fun.

But amidst the chaos, Momo and Zuri's love for each other only grew stronger. They found joy in the laughter they shared, and their pranks became a way to express their affection.

One day, as Momo and Zuri sat amidst a sea of plastic spiders, they called a truce. They realized that their pranks had brought them closer together, and it was time to put an end to the spider-prank war. They pulled up their masks and shared a kiss.

From that day forward, Momo and Zuri continued to enjoy their playful banter, but they focused on creating new memories and adventures together. The spider-prank war had taught them the importance of laughter and lightheartedness in their relationship.

And so, Momo Yaoyorozu and her husband, Zuri, lived happily ever after, their love and laughter filling their lives with joy. The spider-prank war may have ended, but their playful spirits would forever remain, reminding them of the bond they shared.

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