MHA (AU): The Sushi Thief

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Chapter 1: The Sushi Thief

One sunny afternoon, Momo Yaoyorozu, a talented student at U.A. High school was engrossed in her studies. Her husband, Zuri Morales, a fellow talented student known as Spider-Man and the brother of Miles Morales, walked into the kitchen wearing his Miles Morales "Across The Spider-Verse" suit. He couldn't resist the temptation when he saw the delicious sushi laid out on the table. Grinning mischievously under his mask, he quickly snatched a few pieces and made his way back to their room.

Meanwhile, Momo's stomach growled, and she decided to take a break from her studies to grab a bite to eat. She headed to the kitchen, excited to indulge in the sushi she had prepared earlier. However, as she approached the table, she noticed that some pieces were missing. Confusion turned into suspicion, and Momo's eyes narrowed.

With determination in her eyes, Momo marched towards their bedroom, where Zuri was waiting. She swung open the door, and there he was, still wearing his Spider-Man mask, trying to act innocent. Momo couldn't help but smirk, knowing she had caught him red-handed.

Zuri, caught off guard, tried to defend himself. "It wasn't me, Momo! I promise," he exclaimed, his voice muffled by the mask.

Momo crossed her arms, not buying his feeble attempt at denial. She knew her husband too well. Walking closer, she gave him an ultimatum, her voice dripping with playful menace. "Tell me where the sushi is, Zuri, or I'll have to use one of my creations."

Zuri narrowed his mask eyes, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He playfully challenged her, knowing she wouldn't back down. "You wouldn't dare," he said, a smirk forming on his masked lips. He loved these silly games with his wife.

Momo's smirk widened at his response. She, too, loved these little games they played. Creating a sword with her quirk, she playfully demanded an explanation. "Oh, I dare, Spidey. Now, spill the beans."

Zuri, not one to back down either, activated his quirk, Spider. "I'm not talking, Momo. If you want answers, you'll have to catch me first." His mask hid his excitement for the coming battle.

Momo laughed menacingly, her competitive spirit ignited. "Challenge accepted, my bad spider~," she taunted, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 

The countdown began, their excitement growing. Momo and Zuri tried to be serious, only to humorously fail, laughter bubbling up with them and menacing auras surrounding them. Momo taunted her spider again while pointing her sword at him, a devious smile playing on her lips.

"Your fate is chosen and sealed, my sticky friend~"

Zuri laughed, his mask unable to hide his excitement. "You ain't getting nothing outta me, my lovely Creati~" 

Momo's devious smile widened. "We'll see about that, my dear Spidey~" 

Imaginary Voice: READY? CLASH!

And so, a showdown between the couple ensued. Momo used her quirk to create various obstacles and swung her sword while Zuri swung from the ceiling, dodging her attacks with his quirk and web-slinging, fire, bio-electrical, and invisibility skills to try and slow her down. The room became a battleground, filled with laughter and playful banter, their quips lightening the moment, their love and bond as husband and wife strengthening. 

In the end, Momo emerged victorious, pinning Zuri against the wall with her sword at his throat. Grinning, she ordered him to confess. 

Zuri, admitting defeat, finally confessed that he had indeed eaten some pieces of the sushi earlier.

Momo pretended to be angry, scolding him for his lack of patience. She had wanted to share the sushi with him, after all. But her tone was laced with amusement and affection, and Zuri couldn't help but smile cutely, taking off his mask.

"I'm sorry, Momo," he apologized, his eyes filled with adoration.

Momo's anger melted away, and she laughed, putting her sword down and leaning in to kiss him gently. "My dear Spider, I could never stay angry at you for long."

With their little battle settled, the couple headed back downstairs, hand in hand, to enjoy the remaining sushi together. Laughter filled the air as they savored each bite, cherishing the playful moments that made their relationship so special.

And so, in Momo's house, love and laughter prevailed, even in the face of a sushi thief.

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