back to tempest

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After spending 12 years on Earth with Tesla, it was finally time for Rimuru and his team to return to Tempest. Despite the 12 years passing on Earth, in Tempest, only six months had gone by, thanks to some wild space-time dilation definitely not a normal day for anyone.

Tesla, after being rejected by many companies for his poor political skills, had come a long way. Rimuru and the gang had influenced Earth’s technology so much that the planet had advanced to intergalactic levels. Tesla even invented infinite energy devices and space-time travel tech, leading a luxurious life now. He’d essentially become the real-life version of a sci-fi genius.

But as Rimuru and the others prepared to return, Tesla asked, "So... you’re leaving now?"

"Yup. Back to Tempest," Rimuru replied casually. "It’s only been six months there, after all. Time’s a funny thing, huh?"

Tesla chuckled. "And to think, I’ve lived twelve years here while only six months passed in your world."

"Time dilation for the win," Rimuru said with a smirk.

Of course, Rimuru didn’t leave without leaving a clone in Tempest connected to his Imaginary Space. The clone acted like it was the real Rimuru, fooling even Raichel. But Tesla was still curious. "You’re not taking me with you?"

Rimuru blinked. "Nah, don’t worry, you’ll meet Raichel soon enough." He then teleported back to Tempest at a speed that made even Veldanava and Veldora’s teleportation look sluggish.

Upon arriving back in Tempest, Rimuru smirked. "I didn’t expect to be faster than you two with just raw speed," he said.

Veldora scratched his head. "Seriously, how do you get faster than teleportation?"

"Who knows?" Rimuru shrugged.

<Master, you're ridiculous as always,> Ciel chimed in. <No one can defeat you, except maybe a true omnipotent god certainly not these self-proclaimed ones who are still bound by silly things like dimensions and physics.>

Rimuru sighed, "Yeah, yeah. But there are definitely beings stronger than me out there."

<Sure, if you say so,> Ciel teased.

Meanwhile, Rimuru’s clone had kept things in check in Tempest. But one surprise awaited him Velgrynd had come to Tempest Dungeon, which had been crafted by Ramiris and Rimuru’s clone. She was there to visit her brother, Veldanava. It was a family reunion of sorts, with a little awkwardness mixed in.

And while all this was happening, Veldanava casually mentioned to Rimuru, "Bringing Tesla after his death to Vesta’s lab might be a good idea, you know. He could help with Raichel's queendom."

Rimuru pouted. "She's not adopted; she's my biological daughter!"

Veldora interrupted, "No, she’s technically my daughter! I made her from my magicules while I was sealed in that cave!"

Rimuru groaned. "But her human form is based on my DNA my body’s matter!"

Veldanava nodded, amused. "Vesta and Tesla together, though that would be an unstoppable duo."

After two more years, Tesla’s life came to an end, and naturally, Rimuru revived him because, why not? Introducing Tesla to Raichel was an entirely different experience, though.

Raichel narrowed her eyes at Rimuru. "Isn’t this Tesla from Earth? Did you go there without telling me, fath—er?"

Rimuru found himself in a rather awkward spot, sweating a little. "Uhh, well…"

Veldanava tried to cover for him. "Actually, we found him through a space-time rift, not from Earth. He just... showed up in Tempest!"

Lucia, ever the patient one, pouted at Veldanava. "Don’t do anything crazy again, like teaching Milim those weird destruction techniques. Today’s the end of our six-month food punishment, and I’d like a peaceful day."

Veldora, however, was far from peaceful. "I’m going to eat everything in Tempest today! No one can stop me!"

Raichel, not amused, kicked him in the rear, though it did nothing but annoy Veldora.

Meanwhile, Veldanava and Lucia exchanged flirtatious glances. After all, with his Sage-like self now out of the picture, Veldanava was much more... interested in spending time with his wife. The couple, long overdue for some private time, found themselves making plans for some “family expansion” of their own.

All in all, it was a casual day in Tempest just your typical intergalactic revivals, family reunions, and gods casually flirting.

Did i need to make a story rimuru going solo to parrallel world in next chapter

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