The Restricted Section

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Barring her fight with the troll and encounter with Rookwood and Harlow in Hogsmeade, Fiona's first week at Hogwarts had been relatively normal. She had always dreamt of what it would be like attending Hogwarts, and so far reality was so much better. She had almost forgotten about the mess with Ranrok and ancient magic, almost. There was still so much she didn't know. She also knew she had promised to tell Sebastian everything, but she hadn't gotten to it yet. It was the last day of her first week, and she still hadn't heard anything from professor Fig. That was until an owl flew into her dorm room. It carried a note that read:

Dear Fiona,

I've uncovered some more information regarding our discovery in Gringotts. Please see me in my office before breakfast.


Eleazor Fig

Fiona loved how Fig didn't seem to take himself too seriously. She was lucky to have him as a mentor.

She got dressed and made her way to his office. He taught Theory of Magic, which interested Fiona greatly. She hoped to be able to take his class next year. As she got to his office, he was already there.

"Ah Miss Moriarty, good morning!" Fig jovially said. "How has your first week been?"

Had he not heard about what happened at Hogsmeade?

"Well it's been actually rather wonderful professor Fig," Fiona started, "but I did have an interesting experience in Hogsmeade on my first day of classes.

Fiona told him everything about the troll attack and threat from Rookwood. Fig was confused as to what a dark wizard would be doing working with Ranrok.

"Fiona I asked you here today because I figured out the item we took from Gringotts is indeed a map, a map of Hogwarts no less. Here let's take a look together."

Fig pulled out and opened the map. To him, it looked like a normal map of the school. Fiona, however, saw familiar wisps hovering around the restricted section of the library.

"Professor Fig, I believe what we are looking for is in the restricted section of the library. I see wisps much like the ones on the port-key." Fiona shared.

"I figured you would be able see that which I cannot." Fig smiled, "well then I shall go check it out as soon as—"

At that moment headmaster Black barged into the room, interrupting Fig. He spoke of urgent business at the Ministry regarding the death of Mr. Osric. He insisted Fig must travel with him to London immediately. As quickly as he came, he was gone.

"That damned idiot of a headmaster!" Fig complained.

Fiona let out a laugh at the bluntness of her mentor.

"Alright, our project will have to wait until I am back next week. Until then, focus on your studies and do try to do something fun over the weekend." With that Fig was gone, presumably on his way to London.


Fiona headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. She was disappointed that she would have to wait so long to get answers about what was going on with her. As she entered, she scanned the Slytherin table for Sebastian, but she didn't see him. She heard her name being called from the Gryffindor table.

"Fi!" shouted Sean. He waved her over.

She took a seat next to him and began to eat.

"And how was your first week at Hogwarts?" Sean asked.

"It was actually class Sean. You have really been under selling Hogwarts these past few years." Fiona replied.

At that comment, Sean got a bit quiet. He rubbed the back of his neck and made an admission.

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