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"Fiona, why did you want to meet here? Why did you ask me to keep it secret from Sebastian? Are you planning something dangerous again?" Ominis asked one after the other. The letter he received from Fiona seemed urgent. Yet when Ominis saw Sebastian in the common room as he left Slytherin, he seemed cool and collected. It was rare for Ominis to know something about Fiona that Sebastian did not.

"Ominis, I have to tell you something. Sebastian is stressed enough as it is trying to figure out the best way to tell Anne what we have been doing. I am not planning anything dangerous." Fiona exhaled.

"Start from the beginning my dear."

Fiona and Ominis sat on opposite ends of the couch. Fiona told him about the third trial, about the pensieve memory, about finding the folder intended for Magnus and Marvolo Gaunt, with her private information enclosed. Ominis sat silently and intently listened. When Fiona finished sharing, Ominis took a deep breath.

"This is a lot to process Fiona. You want to tell Anne that we have still been looking for a cure? Are you sure she can handle that kind of information? And that bit with my brother and father. I told you he would want to know more about you. It was smart of you to change your records. It should hold him off for now." Ominis brought his fingers to his temple. He was thinking hard.

"Fiona, I need you to be wonderfully unspectacular at the wedding. No piano recitals. Wear a color that drains you. Make sure Marvolo has nothing extraordinary to notice. He will be married in the spring and cannot touch you afterwards. Please do not worry too much. I will handle him."

Fiona was always thankful for her friendship with Ominis, but she was feeling especially grateful in this moment. Ominis did not open up to many people, yet here he was, vowing to protect her, against his own family.

"Thank you Ominis. You are a true friend." Fiona replied.

"You are so very welcome my dear Fiona. We both know Sebastian would kill me if I let my family cause you any harm." Ominis chuckled.  Fiona could only smile in response. She knew what Ominis said was true. Sebastian told her he would always strive to protect her. It was one reason why she was falling for him.

'Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Ominis asked.

"Well yes actually. You know Christmas is rapidly approaching. I wanted to get a gift for Anne and also one for Sebastian. Do you have any recommendations?"

"I can give you a whole list for Anne. Sebastian is a bit more difficult. But I'm sure he won't be disappointed by any gift you give him." Fiona swore Ominis winked at her. "Now is that all? Or must I spend another minute of my Saturday in the Undercroft?"

"Oy, there is no need for the sass Ominis. Go ahead, go back to your dorm. I'm sure Anne is waiting for your next message." Fiona replied, a bit annoyed. Ominis left her alone in the Undercroft. She spent some time there, thinking about an appropriate gift for Sebastian. One idea particular inspired her to go to the library.

The library was relatively empty. It was a Saturday after all. Fiona found the book she was looking for and sat down at a table on the second level of the library. She was able to read undisturbed for an hour. Her concentration was broken by a student joining her at her table. She looked up with a smile on her face, fully expecting to see Sebastian. Her smile quickly disappeared when she recognized James Doyle sitting across from her. It's not that she disliked him. He just wasn't Sebastian. Doyle smiled at her as he took a seat. He had a pile of books with him.

"Mind if I sit here Fiona? I came here to work on some assignments. I was looking for a hidden away table. Imagine my surprise at seeing my favorite Ravenclaw here!" His positive attitude and friendliness made Fiona feel guilty. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

The Keeper's Snake // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now