The Triptych

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"Your uncle said what to her?!" Sebastian yelled to Ominis in a panic. The image of Cornelius Gaunt talking about a possible marriage between Fiona and his son Octavian almost gave Sebastian a heart attack.

"Calm down Sebastian. My uncle was simply being how he always is, an arse. Octavian is promised to Catriona Malfoy. I'm worried about Marvolo." Ominis tried to calm his friend down.

"What about Marvolo?" Sebastian shot back.

"He asked why he never noticed her when he was at Hogwarts. I lied and said she was in the library during the last four years, but I'm worried he will find out she was a squib who got her magic later. That is a rare event that would be sure to peak his interest."

"Then he must never know." Sebastian sternly said. "She has enough to worry about with Ranrok, Rookwood, and the trials. We can't let her worry about this."

Sebastian meant what he said. He didn't wait for Ominis to respond before he started leaving the Undercroft. He walked determinedly through the castle, down to the dungeons, and deeper yet. Eventually Sebastian reached the Map Chamber. He had never been there without Fiona, and the Keepers were surprised by his arrival.

"Mister Sallow, what are you doing here?" Percival Rackham asked him.

"I came here to speak to her." Sebastian pointed to headmistress Fitzgerald's portrait. Rackham and Rookwood looked shocked at Sebastian's words and tone, but Fitzgerald seemed to have been expecting him.

"Percival, Charles, give us the room." Fitzgerald spoke. The two men left their portraits. "I must say I am not surprised you wanted to speak. Do tell me what is troubling you."

"Is that a serious question?" Sebastian laughed. He couldn't tell if the painting was trying to mess with him. "Hm, maybe it's the fact that my sister is cursed by his descendant." Sebastian pointed to the empty Rookwood portrait.

"Or maybe it's the fact that Fiona is just 16 and has dark wizards and goblins after her. She's brand new to magic and is made to go through your trials, where she risks her life. She would never complain to you, but I know Fiona. She's struggling. She deserves to be just a 16 year old." Sebastian complained.

"Mister Sallow, we cannot expect light without the dark. There would be no shadows without light. Trials and tribulations are apart of life." Fitzgerald replied.

"She's working herself to death!" Sebastian yelled.

"And what would you have me do?"

"Help her! You control the next trial! Just show her your pensieve memory!" Sebastian wiped sweat from his face. He then quietly continued to speak. "Please, just give her a break. She deserves it."

Sebastian hoped he could help alleviate Fiona's hardships and stress. He couldn't tell what effect his words had on Fitzgerald. He only hoped he got through to her.

"Mister Sallow, I think you better leave."

Sebastian bowed his head in defeat. He was disappointed that he couldn't convince headmistress Fitzgerald to ease Fiona's burden. He felt incredibly inadequate. Instead of lightening Fiona's load, he introduced new issues. She would never have known about Anne's curse if he hadn't told her. She would never had expended so much energy and risked her life in the pursuit of a cure if Sebastian had just kept his mouth shut. Perhaps this feeling was how Sebastian knew he loved Fiona. At the beginning of the year, he would have done anything and manipulated anyone in order to help Anne. But now, he knew he would choose Fiona first, and that scared him.


The following Sunday morning, Fiona was in the Great Hall eating breakfast at the Ravenclaw table. She had taken notice of the Slytherin quidditch team gathered together. She caught a glimpse of Sebastian but quickly turned her gaze away. She couldn't deny she felt a certain way while looking at him in his quidditch uniform.

The Keeper's Snake // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now