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Sebastian woke up on Saturday morning rather happy. He had started off the school year expecting to continue feeling numb to all of his pain and emotions, but here he was two weeks later, regularly experiencing joy. Guilt immediately followed his happiness. Sebastian felt guilty, guilty that he continued on with his life, while Anne was stuck in Feldcroft, wasting away. Why should he experience any joy in life? Why hadn't he been as focused as he should have been on finding a cure for Anne? He had been awfully focused on his new Ravenclaw friend. Was she too much of a distraction? Sebastian had to shake his conflicting thoughts, for he had quidditch tryouts to prepare for. Imelda, the Slytherin captain, expected all the existing team members to be at the Great Hall for breakfast at 7:30. It was already 7:00, so Sebastian had to get moving.

Sebastian changed into his quidditch uniform. He had grown a bit from last year, and his jersey was just a bit snug now. He would have to make a visit to Spinwitches soon. Before he left his dorm, he looked at his enchanted parchment. Underneath Fiona's good night message was a new message.

Good morning Sallow. Good luck with your tryouts today.

Sebastian grinned. Fiona was so thoughtful. She was so kind. She was so... Sebastian realized he was lost in his thoughts of Fiona and needed to run to the Great Hall to make it on time for breakfast.

"Alright everyone, we will head down to the quidditch pitch immediately after breakfast. We are going to watch all the tryouts. We need to see what we are up against this year. I will not lose the quidditch cup again to those insufferable Gryffindors!" Imelda ranted.

Sebastian passed a look to his other teammates. While he found Imelda a bit intense in her quidditch obsession, she was a good caption. The Slytherin players finished their meals and made their way to the quidditch pitch.

Much like Sebastian, Fiona woke up happy. She had only been at Hogwarts for two weeks and has already learned so much. She had already made some really wonderful friends. She knew she would be facing upcoming challenges, but she didn't care that much.

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and decided to write Sebastian a little message. She thought of him so often. When she fell asleep, when she woke up, when she entered the Great Hall, basically all the time. She thought of him too much, in fact. She began to wonder if Sebastian was becoming a distraction. She should be more focused on finding out more about her ancient magic. She also had to take on a growing goblin rebellion. Today would be the perfect day to head to the library to read up on ancient magic. Hardly anyone would be there on a Saturday. Fiona, however, had already agreed to go to the Gryffindor and Slytherin tryouts with Constance.

She got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. When deciding what to wear, Constance shared her opinion.

"Fiona, you should borrow my new plaid skirt, green really suits you."

"But won't people think I'm a Slytherin fan?" Fiona asked rather innocently.

"Aren't you?" Constance joked.

Fiona didn't want to show favoritism to a house that wasn't her own, but she couldn't argue with Constance. The green plaid skirt fit her like a glove. She paired it with a white button down and a cream colored jumper. She finished her look with black boots and navy blue scarf.

Constance on the other hand was wearing mostly red. Subtle, Fiona thought.

The pair headed to the Great Hall around 8:00 to get a quick bite before they headed to the quidditch pitch. Sean had told Fiona that Gryffindor's tryouts were starting at 8:30. As she entered the Great Hall, Fiona felt a bit disappointed when she didn't see Sebastian at the Slytherin table. She sat down at the Ravenclaw table with Constance.

The Keeper's Snake // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now