A. Shock

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Ever since sneaking into the restricted section of the library with Fiona a second time, Sebastian's mind was preoccupied.

'It's a date Sallow.'

The words played over and over in his head. He reckoned she wasn't serious. The Fiona he knew would never be so forward. Still, his memory of her uttering those words filled him with joy. Sebastian knew if he ever wanted anything to happen with Fiona, romantically, he would need to be the one to make a move. He was normally a rather confident lad, but with Fiona, he had an overwhelming anxiety that he would mess everything up between them. He had, however, felt a shift in their dynamic since Wednesday. In the past two days, he noticed how their banter seemed to increase. The line between flirting and joking seemed to blur a bit.

Sebastian stood in front of the mirror in his dorm looking himself over. He was to meet Fiona soon to head to the Three Broomsticks. She had promised to buy him a butterbeer. While it wasn't an official date, Sebastian wanted to look his best to impress the girl he secretly loved. He wore dark khaki trousers, brown leather shoes, a white button down, a navy blue jumper, and a blue tartan blazer. He put on his winter coat, preparing to head to Ravenclaw, when Ominis entered the dorm.

"Sebastian, how long have you been standing in front of that mirror? I went to take a bath half an hour ago."

"Well Ominis," Sebastian replied, turning to his friend, "how do I look?" Ominis immediately gave him a deadpan look.

"Ah wonderful idea Sebastian, ask the blind boy how your clothing looks." Ominis sarcastically answered.

"Right, erm, I reckon I better head." Sebastian mumbled. Ominis didn't say anything in response. He only had a sly look on his face as Sebastian left the dorm.

His walk to Ravenclaw felt like the longest ten minutes of his life. He cursed himself for being so nervous. It was just two best friends sharing drinks. Fiona was already waiting outside of Ravenclaw as Sebastian arrived. She was wearing a long black wool skirt, black boots, a cream colored jumper, and a maroon velvet headband. She greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hiya Sebastian! Shall we walk to Hogsmeade or take the Floo?" She asked the freckled face Slytherin. Sebastian took a moment to respond. He was busy taking in how she looked. The simplicity of her outfit and the way the skit hugged her hips took his breath away.

"Hello Fi. I reckon we should walk. It's a lovely evening." Sebastian responded.

It was already dark as they exited the castle. The moon was shining bright, and they could see the lights of Hogsmeade from afar. Fiona noticed how the moonlight lit up Sebastian's face, revealing his own constellation of freckles. Fiona thought the weather couldn't get any better, but then it started to snow ever so lightly. She felt enchanted by her surroundings and her company. After ten minutes of walking in comfortable silence, Fiona finally spoke.

"I'm really glad you insisted on walking. It's truly such a beautiful evening."

"It's made even more beautiful by my present company." Sebastian nervously replied. He didn't know if it was too forward, but he was using her reaction as a sort of litmus test. Fiona of course blushed. Her cheeks were already red from the cold, but she was sure Sebastian could see them grow redder still.

"Are you getting shy?" Sebastian playfully asked, which earned him an eye roll from Fiona.

"Catch yourself on Sallow."

"Ah there's my Derry girl!" Sebastian laughed as Fiona gently elbowed his side. Their banter continued effortlessly as they continued on to the Three Broomsticks. They were greeted by Sirona upon their arrival.

The Keeper's Snake // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now