𝟎𝟎𝟕. secret sanctuary

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   Mischa looked at the trees around with leaves fallen to the ground from the change of season, any reason to not look at the blond prince riding on his own horse next to her

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Mischa looked at the trees around with leaves fallen to the ground from the change of season, any reason to not look at the blond prince riding on his own horse next to her. Her grip tightened on the lead of her white pure bred horse supplied as their normal group rode the way to a secret place, Nikolai said as his friend and his squadrant went back to the actual Royal palace.

"My jaw feels much better now, thank you for asking." Nikolai was the first to speak up from the tense silence since they started their journey, glancing over his shoulder to the Sun Summoner who ride behind them, chin tilted to the sky as she refused to even look at him for lying to them.

"You can tell everyone you were punched by a Volcra." Alina spoke sharply before halting her horse to slow down to wait for Mal to catch up so she could ride next to him, leaving Mischa and Nikolai together with Tolya and Tamar a few paces ahead for them to be in earshot.

"Be the least of the lies you've told." Mischa added after her friend, not bothering to hide the malice in her words. She hated liars.

"Hear I thought we had the beginnings of a beautiful friendship." Nikolai mused.

Mischa glowered, making sure her head turned away from him. "Friends don't hide who they are from each other."

Nikolai's amused grin fell into a frown. "You make it sound so simple." His jaw clenched tightly, it being visible from the side of his face. "The truth is, you do what you have to do to protect the people you love. I expect you have some experience with that."

Mischa's tense guarded shoulders relaxed as she gave him a mere glance from the corner of her eye, enough to make him feel more relieved she wasn't entirely angry at him.

Nikolai continued, "My reasons were much the same. As Nikolai Lantsov, royal spare to the throne, there was nothing I could do for the people I love. People of my impoverished, war- ravaged country. Sturmhond, on the other hand—"

"Was a pirate." Mischa finished as she interrupted rather snootily, nose raised up to the sky before she craned her head his way, knowing it would get a annoyance out of him.

Indeed it did. "A privateer. How many times do I —"

Mischa, throughly amused, kept in her laughter from his reaction and instead looked him up and down in distaste. "How is that any more helpful than a Prince?"

Nikolai grumbled, facing ahead. "A Prince is a songbird in a golden cage." Mischa held back a scoff. What was it with birds being stuck in cages? "A privateer had freedom to cultivate alliances, develop technologies, gather intelligence. Besides, would you have gotten on my ship if I was flying the Lantsov flag?"

Mischa pursed her lips as she muttered a response, but loud enough for him to comprehend. "I suppose not."

As she turned her head towards him she found him already staring at her with a small smirk. "Exactly."

✓ 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱, nikolai lantsovWhere stories live. Discover now