chapter 10: Northwest Mansion Mystery

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So the excuse this time for skipping so many episodes is that work was kicking his ass, the episodes I skipped did happen and are cannon I just couldn't find a way to fit him in those episodes so yeah.

Dipper and [M/N] were sitting in the living room watching T.V.

TV Voice: You asked for it, you got it! An entire 48-hour marathon of Ghost Harassers on the "Used to Be About History Channel!"

Dipper Pines: Be strong, bladder. (Pats stomach.) We're not gonna move till sunset.

Toby Determined: (On TV:) We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news!

Dipper: Aww, what?

Mabel Pines: (Jumps into the armchair beside Dipper.) It's starting!

Candy Chiu: (Jumps to Dipper's other side.) Turn it up!

Grenda: Make room for Grenda! (Jumps in front of all three, breaking a lamp.)

On the TV Toby Determined was outside Northwest Manor.

Toby: (On TV:) Well tonight's the night, but I've been out here for days! (Zoom out to reveal tattered and filthy Toby.) The Northwest family's annual high-society-shindig-ball-soiree is here! And even though common folk aren't let in, that doesn't stop us from camping out for a peek at the fanciness!

Girls: Oooooooooh!

Dipper: Okay, can someone please explain why people care about this?

Grenda: It's pretty much the best party of all time. Rich food, richer boys!

Mabel: They say each gift basket has a live quail inside!

Candy: (Paws at TV screen which shows Pacifica being crowned Miss Gravity Falls) Give me your life, Pacifica.

Dipper: (Scoffs) Guys, in case you've already forgotten, Pacifica Northwest is the worst. (Knock at door; Dipper gets up to answer it.) And that's not just jealousy talking. I'd say that to her face. (Opens door, sees Pacifica in incognito.)

Pacifica: I need your help.

Dipper: You're the worst. (Slams door.)

Other girls: (Gasp)

Dipper: See? (Knock at door; Dipper opens it begrudgingly.)

Pacifica: Look. You think it's easy for me to come here? I don't want to be seen in this hovel. But there's something haunting Northwest Manor. (Takes off sunglasses.) If you don't help me, the party could be ruined!

Dipper: And why should I trust you? All you've ever done is try to humiliate me and Mabel.

Pacifica: Just name your price, okay? I'll give you anything!

Mabel: Hi, Pacifica! Excuse us! (Drags Dipper away by the arm.) Dipper! Don't you see what this means? If you help Pacifica, you could get us invites to the greatest party of all time!

Dipper: What? Mabel, this is Pacifica we're talking about!

Mabel: But it's Candy and Grenda's dream!

Candy & Grenda: (Starry-eyed, miming rainbows.) Dreeeaaaaaaam.

Dipper: (Sighs) Fine! I'll bust your ghost. But, in exchange, I'll need four tickets to the party.

Pacifica: Hrrn! You're just lucky I'm despera- wait why four.

Dipper: One for each of the three girls and one for [M/N].

Pacifica: [M/N] doesn't need one; he gets an automatic invite, because of his job.

My Younger Cousins (gravity falls x male reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now