Chapter 11: Not What He Seems

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Sorry I've been gone so long I took a week long break and last week I was doing schoolwork so I couldn't finish this chapter anyways here you go, my goobers (my dad came up with it he doesn't really know much about this story, though he knows I write).

Stan Pines was in the underground laboratory beneath the Shack with [M/N], working on something. Stan pulled a lever, and green fluid pumped into large, glass tanks.

Stan: Come on, come on. Should be just enough to finish the job. (Removes his fez and glove, and without either knowing, wipes toxic waste on his forehead, which sizzles and briefly glows green) Whew. Can't be too careful with this stuff.

Red lights flashed and a buzzer went off. Stan smiled and turned to look at the screen. The screen read "EVENT INITIALIZED" and an eighteen hour countdown began.

Stan: (Reading from Journal 1:) "Warning," blah blah blah, "Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies." Can it, Poindexter! (Slams journal shut) I've come this far. I'm not givin' up now! (Pushes a button, and the portal begins to spin) Yes, this is it.

Stan's fez floated off of his head.

Stan: It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll all be worth it. (Synchronizes what looks like a large wristwatch with the steadily ticking countdown, still displayed on the monitor) Just eighteen more hours. Finally, everything changes. Today.

A draft blows the journal shut.


Mabel was running down the halls, followed by a tired Dipper and [M/N].

Mabel: (Running down hall) Ahh! It's here it's here it's here!

Dipper: (Sighs)

Mabel: (To Dipper:) Okay, so I was just opening random doors - because I'm a creep - when I found something amazing!

Dipper: (While rubbing his eyes) If it was worth waking up at seven AM for, that will be amazing.

Mabel: Feast your eyes! (Opening door to reveal closet filled with various types of fireworks in a box labeled "DO NOT TOUCH!")

Dipper: Whoa!

Mabel: (Puts hand on Dipper's shoulder) Bro. Bro. We're both thinking it.

Dipper and Mabel: Crazy rooftop fireworks party!

Stan: (Marches up to them) Not so fast, kids! There is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous, illegal fireworks... (Smiles and bends down to put his arms around their shoulders) ...without me. (Pulls [M/N] down to hug him too)


On the roof. Dipper grabbed an icy-pop from the cooler. Mabel was standing excitedly next to Stan, who was sitting on the lounge chair with a lit sparkler and Roman candle. [M/N] was kind of just there with multiple fireworks in his hands.

Stan: Here you go, sweetie. (Lights Mabel's skyrocket with a sparkler) Set something on fire for your Grunkle Stan.

Mabel: (Aiming the skyrocket; Screaming:) I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION! (Skyrocket shoots off)

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland approached the Mystery Shack as the fireworks went off.

Blubs: Hold on a minute. Do you have a permit for those?

Dipper: Uh...

Stan: Uh, do you have a permit for being totally lame? (He and the twins laugh [M/N] again is just standing there)

Mabel: Heyoooo!

Blubs: (Chuckles) Well, I can't argue with that. (Walking away and waving) Carry on.

Stan: (Laughs) But seriously though we should probably clean this mess up.

My Younger Cousins (gravity falls x male reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now