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Okay, first off, I would just like to say thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it, including the votes from the people who have voted for my story, with all the views, votes etc. it gives me alot of motivation to write more chapters, also sorry for the wait, it took me a while to think about what would happen, and i was busy for a while.


With the room being dead quiet after Iida's breakdown, they all start to think what he had done which made him think he was guilty of putting Deku in the hospital. Ochako calms down after crying and walks to the nearest seat but stays quiet. Iida gets up from his knees and sits down, the room is again very quiet, until Ochako leaves the room with Tsu to cool down from what has happened.

Iida stands up from his seat as everyone else looks up to him.

"I guess I should explain what has happened when Midoriya and I were fighting the villain." Iida sighs as he starts to hesitate to think what their reactions might be.

I'll just use a flash back as a way for Iida to explain :)))


It was a cloudy day, not many people were in the streets due to the news saying there was going to be a storm. Iida was walking around with Deku as it started to rain, they listened carefully for nearby villains around the area. It was quiet, until Iida engaged in conversation with his friend.

"So, how's your marriage? Midoriya, it's been a while since I heard from you." Iida asked, it was hard but was still calm. "It's doing well, thanks for asking Iida, how's your marriage with Hatsume by the way?" Deku asked also curious about what has been happening with his friend's life.

"It's doing great, thank you." Iida smiles as the two still become silent once again to go back to being in the patrol.

Then all of a sudden, a loud crash from a wall came crashing down as a man comes along with it. The two heroes run to where the wall crashed to see if the man was okay, even if it was raining there was still a cloud of dust all over the place enough for the heroes to not see the man.

"Hello, hello! where are you? Are you all ri-" Iida was cut off to Deku pushing him from where he was standing, it turned out that Deku's danger sense just sharply tingled, because the place Iida was previously standing was sprouting an intensely sharp but small metal blade that would kill him.

The blade looked long and had a similar figure of a tooth.

Could it be? was this planned?

The cloud of dust goes away, and the man stands up revealing himself to the two heroes. Though the two heroes have never seen him in person, they heard stories about him from Todoroki and Bakugo, they said that they saw a man, he was mentally insane, and looked terrifying, even when he wasn't showing his face, they said that his teeth had no limits, and were intensely sharp and long. And after what they heard they saw him on the news, describing his quirk, face, etc.

It was the Death-row inmate, Moonfish.

After six years of not seeing an appearance of him in the public eye, or news, this is the time he decided to show himself. At this point he had the power scale of Shigaraki when he made a first appearance, but he was more daring, but yet cautious. With his desperate hunger for the scene of flesh and blood from his enemies.

Before the man's sharp teeth reach the heroes, Deku helps Iida get up while activating OFA, just right before the teeth reach them making them barely dodge it. Throughout the years Moonfish was improving the speed of his teeth leaving him to kill the target, he barely missed making his hard work mostly pay off.

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