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So i only have like less than two weeks till school is back on, so i probably won't post as much in a while because this year i'm graduating, so while i have the time I'll try to have more motivation to write more chapters.

It is 5AM in the morning, now with Bakugo waking up to the sound of the most annoying alarm ever to be heard in mankind.

He smacks the alarm beside his bed and tries to sit up, only to be stopped by the arms of his sassy spouse, Camie.

The man sighs as he places his hands on her arms wrapped around him. "Cams, let go."

The girl whines in response. "Can't you just skip your workout for once? I wanna cuddle." She wraps her arms around him more, not showing signs she's letting go any sooner.

With Camie already falling asleep, she still has a strong grip around him, Katsuki sighs. "I guess I can skip it just this once." He lies back down to the soft fabric, giving an opportunity for the Camie to embrace him.

The fawn-haired girl smiles and places a hand on his chest as she snuggles deep into his neck, enjoying the moment. "Yaaaaayyyy." She mumbles.

On the other hand, Bakugo was a blushing mess. Feeling the girl's breath over his neck sent shivers down his spine, he tries to hide his blush without her knowing with a straight face, failing when he was already caught with her slightly looking at him.

Camie smirks. "Someone's blushing... is it me that's never made the first move?" She speaks in a seductive voice, whispering in his ear, making him slightly blush as she starts to rub his cheek.

Her touch on his skin consoled him, which made him stop being slightly red, and feel the comfort he was having, he slides and arm around her, rubbing her sides as he stares at the ceiling. 

He sighs and starts thinking. 'How often do we do this? I can't even remember the last time we did this.' His face saddens at the thought, he was neglecting his wife just so he could surpass Deku, he felt terrible.

It was like Camie was just reading his mind. "I'm glad we got to have this; it's been a while since we shared moments like this." She makes circles on his chest, a little sad but grateful with what was currently happening.

This just made him sadder; he starts thinking about all the times they really had something intimate in their relationship, thinking about all the times he woke up early and left the house, coming home late and going straight to bed, not even saying a word to her other than 'I'm going to bed.

He started to realize how neglective he was being, he felt guilty, and knew he couldn't change the past, he had to do something.

Camie speaks. "Katsuki?" She looks up to face him while Bakugo looks down to see her. "Hm?" He responds, waiting for her to ask her question.

The girl smiles. "I'm glad you stayed back to be with me."

Now Bakugo's heart was literally hurting over her words, this just made him feel more guilty for his past actions.

He continues to rub her sides. "Cams..."

"Hm?" Her eyes look up to him.

He turns himself to his side to face her and looks into her eyes with care and concern. "I... would like to apologize." Camie chuckles at his request, thinking this was a joke. "Apologize for what?" She looks back into his eyes, seeing the seriousness in it, and her smile fades knowing that it wasn't a joke he was making.

"I would like to apologize for neglecting you, I'm sorry for going early and coming back late, I'm sorry for not caring about how you felt when I wouldn't show you affection..." His nose starts to sniffle, showing that he was trying to fight his tears. "I wouldn't even bother to hold your hand."

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