Build Up

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so, i just finished the school term :D

i survived... T ^ T and will only get 2 weeks out of it... tbh i need more than 2 weeks lol😀

unless my parents want me to get a life, i will try to make more chapters, thank you so much for your support, i really appreciate it :)))


That's all there was, silence. The only thing breaking it was sounds of beeps from machines, and sparks coming out from cords, while Shigaraki is stuck in his energy vat chamber, filled with purple energy fluid, while cords and tubes from below the incubator link to his unconscious body.

 The only thing breaking it was sounds of beeps from machines, and sparks coming out from cords, while Shigaraki is stuck in his energy vat chamber, filled with purple energy fluid, while cords and tubes from below the incubator link to his uncons...

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It has been a week since the two have had their discussion, as Giraki continues his work in the test lab, by switching and mixing chemicals together, and adding the drug 'Trigger' into the chemicals.

He takes a look at his computer, and presses a button, activating a machine next to the giant incubator with Shigaraki in it, making rough sounds, as if it was trying to communicate like a radio, trying to find a signal.

After a few good minutes, the rough sounds stop, finally able to create a clear voice, catching the doctor's attention.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, doctor?" The sound was fuzzy, while the sound was also leaving a slight hiss after each word like a regular phone call. 

"It certainly has, All for One... I'm very surprised with how you're even alive, you've been holding on in there haven't you?" The old man says with a slight hint of playfulness.

"The embers of me hasn't completely died yet, besides, I still haven't fulfilled my goal." His deep voice croaks through the machine. 

"I vow to kill Izuku Midoriya"

He chuckles in menace. "Including, his soon to be family... I've been watching that young boy for far too long..."

"No More...! The time to spectate is now finished! As I will continue my building of the New World to be the Demon Lord of this small world...!" 

While he shouts through the machine, His voice echoes throughout the dark lab, as Garaki listens in patience and interest. "Now, now, calm down, we can't get all overconfident, the heroes are patrolling and watching our every move."

"We must be careful with our decisions and strategize with the limited time we have. Izuku Midoriya, has gotten a lot stronger than he was a few years ago, stronger than all the other One for All users combined." He says with concern, stirring a vial from his desk, and walks to the incubator, carefully placing the vial into the fluid transfer module, letting it inject into the incubator to slowly enhance Shigaraki.

He continues, walking back to his desk. "For now, all you are at the moment, is a small, helpless ember, relying on Shigaraki to continue your legacy."

The old Garaki chuckles. "Forgive me, for calling you helpless, but at the moment it is far from a lie... You can kill me once you regain human form, but I'm the one helping the both of you." He says in a slight smug tone as All for One scoff comes from the radio-like machine as a response.

"I'll let it slide. For now, we'll let them do what they need to do before we finally get ready." All for One confirms while Garaki nods.

"The boy doesn't know what's coming to him..." 

"No matter how long it will take, till the day I die I will not stop to rest until I know that I have killed him."

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Deku and Shoto both walk around the now empty town of Okinawa, as they are now taking their turn in patrolling throughout the place.

It is now safer now that the citizens have been taken to the main shelters of the island, making it easier and giving the heroes reassurance that they will be free to destroy buildings without worrying about who was hurt.

The two continue to walk in utter silence, their footsteps being the only thing causing noise, amongst them.

"Hey Midoriya, what do you think the others are doing back home...?" Shoto asks in a solemn tone.

"Honestly, Todoroki, I have no clue, they could be patrolling as we speak like us, or helping evacuate some other citizens that haven't gotten to the shelters yet." The greenette answers, unable to know what his full answer was.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Shoto makes a silent but heard chuckle. "You know... I bet Bakugo is probably shouting at the others, bossing them around and getting mad for no reason." Keeping his head down, he smiles at his thought, while his statement lets out a small laugh out of his broccoli friend.

"That is actually probably the most accurate thing we had throughout this entire conversation." Deku smiles as they continue walking. "I wonder how Kacchan is doing with all the 'You're put in charge' position, because I know for a fact he's abusing it." He laughs again, imagining about how Bakugo is bossing around all the other heroes and citizens, that goes back to the first paranormal war when they were evacuating citizens back as students of UA.

The number one hero continues. "It's only been a week since we left home, and I'm already homesick." He laughs it off, but genuinely feeling sad that he can't go back to Ochako, knowing that he might not come back before he became a father. 

"Hey Todoroki?" Deku asks calmly, but a little nervous, due to his overthinking.

"What is it, Midoriya?"

"I remember about a week ago, when Kaminari brought up the fact about all of us becoming parents..." 

"I know you don't have kids, but do you have any advice? I feel a little discouraged, since I might become a father in a few months, and I'm not there for Ochako." Deku places his hands together, gripping onto his wrist anxiously, his thoughts suddenly being interrupted by Todoroki placing a hand on his shoulder, not roughly, but firmly.

The dual-haired hero gives Deku a reassuring look. "I understand that you're worried, and you have every right to do so... Even if we might not have the chance to go back to our loved ones... Just remember how many people are supporting you, okay?" 

Todoroki chuckles. "Besides, unlike last time you're not fighting alone, so don't think you'll get all the fun." Saying that, Todoroki lips curl into a small grin, which is rare, but Deku plays along, by rolling his eyes at him.

 "Fun? I lost both my arms due to all that 'fun'." Deku scoffs at him, then lifting his gloves to look at his watch. The sun was starting to set. "We should probably get back to the house, our patrol's over." Hearing that, Todoroki nods at his statement, as they both turn to go back to their current staying.

But little did they know, out of all the patrolling they did, they've been being watched, by the smallest of the smallest cameras made. They didn't use the traffic cameras, as it would be a cheap shot of getting them caught but were swift in their watch.

Either way, they never needed cameras...

Because they had Him...

"Izuku Midoriya... Watch out."


short ah chapter, sorry that you've been patient with my lazy ass💀💅✨😀

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