Nothing, just floof

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this is probably going to be a short chapter, i am so sorry that i didn't post any more chapters, i had a lot of tests in school and assignments that way i had no way to write this chapter, but i still gonna say. I AM SO SORRY


Ochako shouts as she runs towards him almost tripping from the ground, Deku is startled from the sudden shout from her, she reaches him and lands in his arms for a tight hug with tears in her eyes.

"I-Izuku, y-you finally woke up." She says still crying as hard as she can in his arms, he hugs back unable to say anything in response, he smiles.

"I missed you so much." Izuku says as he makes his wife face him as he places his hands on her shoulders, Ochako had no words but tears that were continuously leaving her eyes, she said nothing but immediately kissed him as a way to show how happy she was when he had just woken up. They both melt into the kiss, Izuku closes his eyes as he caresses her cheek. The kiss ends, it wasn't long, but it was still the first in a while.

They continued to hug for a few minutes while the room is filled with silence, they missed each other so much that they never wanted to let go of their hug, they both let go of the hug, and hold each other's hands.

The doctor walks in.

"You have a visitor; would you like to see them?" The doctor asks waiting for a sign of approval from his patient, Izuku nods waiting for the doctor to leave and let the person on the other side know.

The door opens to reveal Bakugo, Izuku's eyes widen with the shock of him even visiting him in the hospital, he walks into the room while Ochako holds his hand gently, she looks at him, and lets go of his hand.

"I'll be heading to the bathroom, and I'll remind your mom that you woke up." She smiles as she stands up while heading to the bathroom leaving just the two frenemies by themselves in the room. Izuku tenses up nervously as sweat quickly falls from his face, Bakugo just stares at him straight in the eye.

"Tch, dumbass, if you're going to leave us, then don't leave for almost a month." He walks up to the seat that Ochako was sitting on. "Seriously, you had us all worried back then." Izuku is shocked with the way his friend is acting, this was a new side, something he has never seen from his childhood rival.

"Kacchan, you were worried about me?" Izuku is still shocked of what his friend was saying.

Bakugo's voice starts to get shaky, close to making tears fall. "Well, of course I was, you almost died, you're my best friend and who wouldn't be worried?!" He cries as he cries on the edge of his bed. The room is filled with silence once again, Izuku was still trying to process what was happening, Bakugo is still crying on the edge of his bed, Izuku knew he had to do something to comfort him, he places a hand on his head and started patting it, not going to lie, it was very awkward while the whole breakdown, especially after Deku had just woke up from his coma.

"It's okay, Kacchan." He continues to pat his back, a few seconds later Bakugo lifts his head from the edge of the bed.

"So, I thought you would come with Utsumishi." Deku says waiting for Bakugo's response.

"Since it's early morning, I decided to let her get her rest, yesterday she was a little bit exhausted from work yesterday." Bakugo looks towards the ground.

"By the way, what happened while I was in a coma?" Deku says resting his hands on his lap and looking at his friend that is still looking down the floor.

"Besides the public getting scared from your sudden disappearance, I don't think anything else happened." Deku is speechless from what the sudden statement was.

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