A Way Out

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I am currently having a cyclone from where I am, and I had to focus on a bit of my studies... And I'm not dead :D

"Wait, what's happening?"

I look up to see my surroundings, and it turns out I'm in bed, in my dorm room?

I look around to see multiple all might merchandise. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. I turn on the sink and look at my face in the mirror, and for some reason I looked.... Younger?  And skinnier? What is happening right now? I leave the bathroom and look at my phone to see what date and time it was.

"It's five in the morning." I look to the balcony to see the night sky, noticing that the sun still hasn't risen. I go back to look at my phone to check the date. All the color drains from his body as he screams of shock, loud enough for everyone in the dorm room to hear. He was back in UA and was in his 2nd year.

He starts to panic as he drops his phone to the floor, starts to hyperventilate, and tries to process everything he found out. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. His eyes widen with fear as he takes a breath.

"W-who is it?" He says with fear as sweat forms on his body and looks towards the door waiting for an answer.

"It's Uraraka, can I come in, please? I heard you scream." Hearing her voice calmed him down, but he was still breathing heavily and sweating. He walks up to the door and opens it to reveal Uraraka.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream." She says worried, then notices the sweat dripping from him. She walks and sits on his chair next to his desk. Deku sits on the edge of his bed and looks down, not making eye contact.

Deku finally makes eye contact with her. "Sorry, Ochako, for waking you up."

Ochako blushes as she hears him say her given name for the first time without her consent. Deku notices and blushes for a little bit and finds out that in this timeline they aren't dating.

 Deku nervously speaks while putting his hands in front of her "O-oh I'm so sorry for calling you that, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said tha-"

"N-no, it's fine, really" She smiles and slightly blushes and looks to the balcony.

"It's actually really nice when you say it, if you want to, you can say it." She says as she turns to Deku with a smile. Deku blushes and nods with a smile.

Out of nowhere, Dekus vision starts to get blurry as he passes out in front of her, he hears Ochako panicking and hears her footsteps leaving to call for help.

He wakes up standing to be in a black room, but only the floor is white and is clear to see. But this time, he was taller?

"Wait, I'm back to normal now?" He looks at his hands, it wasn't a clear sight, in fact his vision is still very blurry, he rubs his eyes as his vision is slowly coming back. He looks up in front of the room, what he saw was unforgiveable.

It was Ochako being brutally killed right in front of him, he tries to move to save her, but his body won't allow him, he tries to look away and cover his eyes but when he does all he can hear is her desperate screams, he still tries to move with all his might but  he couldn't, whenever he would look up to see her, he would see her crying for Deku to save him.

Hearing her cries of help was painful for him, he couldn't help but cry his eyes out, tears are repeatedly falling as he is desperate to save her.

This would keep going on for hours until he woke up in bed, and now he's... Still in his dorm room?  He is now covered in sweat from what he had just saw in his dream, he was scared.

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