Therapy with the Todoroki's

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hey guys, i'm only able to make more chapter because it's the weekend for me, so during the week, i'll be at school, if i dont have as much work to keep me distracted, i'll  probably be able to make more chapters. anyways lets do this thanggg :)))))




And the men jumped in the water breathing in and out when they had the chance, since the pool was 15m long, they had a long way to go.

Kaminari activates 1 million volts, forcing all the other men to use their quirks except Deku since he was using his. Since Denki used 1 million volts, Kirishima used hardening to protect himself from being shocked, Bakugo exploded his way out of the water, Todoroki makes a small tower for him to stand on last minute and slides his way to the finish, uses dark shadow to pull him out of the water, but out of all of them was Deku, the lightning around him had no effect on him. (I just made this effect up so pls go along with it)

First place is Deku

Second is Bakugo

Third place is Todoroki

The rest are out of the game, due to Denki being stupid and Kirishima being still the entire time he was in the water while using hardening, and a Takoyami  that fell into the water after dark shadow himself being shocked. Their spouses took care of them but eventually they were able to watch the last two matches.

There was two matches left, one person will be eliminated on the next one, the contestants took a breather and went back to the starting lines.




They we're off

"Thanks to Kaminari, we all have to use speed, strength, and stamina." Deku thought.

since Deku took the most stamina during his training and stunts, he won the second match, Bakugo was second, and Todoroki was third making him the one that was eliminated.

The third match was gonna take place, Bakugo and Deku went to the starting lines




And they were off, all the guys were making bets on who would win, and the wives were cheering the ones they were routing for. While Deku was panting so hard, and he has never breathed so fast and hard before, he could hear Ochako being the loudest to show how much she supported him. They were about halfway through the pool, Katsuki was ahead of him, he was almost out of breath, after all the other matches to the one they are currently doing, he was basically out of breath. Izuku was going as fast he could go, he stalled, for 2 seconds to breath, then heard Ochako screaming.

" GO DEKUUUUUUU" Ochako screamed.

That was all he needed, they were three quarters into the competition, while Bakugo was going ahead his chest started to be filled with overwhelming pain. He stalled for 5 seconds which let Izuku to be the same place where Bakugo was, they were so close to the end, but there could only be one winner. As both hands of the individuals touched the end, Momo checked a camera she had placed in case something like this had happened.

Momo replays the footage, over and over again to know who is the winner.

"The winner is Bakugo." she says

"HELL YEAH, EAT MY DUST DEKU!" Bakugo shouts in joy as the men who routed for him was surrounding him.

"Well, it was a good game I guess" Izuku says as he rubs his neck.

Ochako walks to him, and stands in front of him, "Sorry that I didn't win" he says with a chuckle.

"It's okay silly, at least you had fun, besides, I know you did your best." She says encouraging him.

"SERIOUSLY, WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE HER!?!?!" Izuku thought to himself.

                                                    THIRD PERSON POV

The day passes by everybody and has fun until the sun sets. They all leave leaving only the Todoroki's alone. But even after all of the fun they had, Shoto was still thinking about how to fix his relationship with his father Endeavor, who has retired. He planned on sleeping earlier for the next day, so he kissed his wife goodnight before he went to bed.

Momo was concerned for her husband, she didn't know what was bothering him, but she wanted to help him get through with what's bothering him. She was reading a book when she had that thought, so she decided to talk to him when she came to their bedroom. But when she arrived, Shoto was sound asleep, she didn't want to disturb him, so she decided to go to sleep with him.

5 hours later

It is the middle of the night, Shoto hasn't slept at all, he carefully leaves the bed making sure not to wake up Momo, he goes to their balcony that is part of their bedroom, it was a little bit cold, so a little breeze came in, he looks out to the view of the night sky. Momo shivers making her eyes slowly lift, her side was facing the entrance of the balcony, making her see her husband looking outside. She quietly gets out of bed, and walks to him, she was going to help him with what was bothering him.

"Shoto." She calmly says making him flinch.

"Yes, Momo? What's wrong, are you hurt?" Shoto asks concerned.

"Nothing's wrong Shoto, just come inside, and sit on the bed, I want to talk to you." She says instantly making Shoto nervous.

They both sit on the bed, facing each other, the room is still very dark as the only light source is the moon shining from the balcony. 

"What's wrong Shoto? notice that you haven't really been yourself throughout the rest of the day, I know that something has been bothering you, I care for you." Momo says very concerned. "I-I, there's nothing wrong Momo, don't worry." Shoto explains trying to escape.

"Shoto Todoroki, don't you dare lie." She says making him terrified what she'd do.

" But I'm no-"

"Explain. Now."

Shoto stayed silent knowing that he was gonna be forced to explain, he took a deep breath and looked into her onyx eyes. "It's about my father, I'm not sure if I should forgive him, I'm scared, Momo, I don't know what to do." He explains as his voice starts to get shake.

"Shoto..." Momo says while bringing him into a hug.

"I just don't know what to do, I want to fix our relationship, but I'm just so scared to do it." He says as tears form in his eyes. "It's gonna be okay Shoto, you have me to help you" she reassures while rubbing his back to comfort him.

The hug ends as Momo kisses him while having both hands around his neck showing him that he was not in this alone, he was going to be alright as long as he's with her was what he was thinking. He puts his hands around her waist while lying on the bed with her on top of him as their tongues meet exploring each others mouth, their lips part as a string of saliva comes out. they both smile at each other, and continue their night, doing............Things


OH MY GOSH TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY DAMN THAT TOOK LONG, sorry if i made this cahpter mostly todomomo but i had to make the problem solved, thank you if you enjoy the story,if it suckes just let me know :))))

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