Preparation PT. 2

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"Honey, I'm home."

"Welcome back! I'm coming!" Footsteps are heard after that, one that Deku would always recognize, the footsteps get closer, revealing Ochako wearing one of his T-shirts, which are clearly oversized for her, he smiles and hugs her.

He rests his chin on her head, holding her tight. "What are you doing wearing one of my shirts?" He chuckles, while Ochako does the same. 

"I just wanted to, it's pretty warm to be honest." She leans her head into his chest.

Deku speaks softly. "You look cute in it." Ochako looks up and smiles sweetly him, slightly blushing. "Well maybe I'll keep doing this." She laughs, hugging him tighter. 

Deku retaliates. "Aw come on! I need to wear a shirt if you keep wearing them all the time!" They both share a laugh.

 A few minutes after their embrace, they both sit on the couch and watch TV.  "So how was the meeting?" Ochako asks, a little more serious.

Deku stays silent for a few seconds, trying to think of what to say, or how to explain it. "It was fine."

The brunette wasn't buying it, she knew something was important. "Are you sure? That silence doesn't explain it." She says sternly, looking at him serious.

"Okay, fine, there was something important... I just don't know how to explain it." He says leaning back on the couch, sighing shortly after.

Ochako gets worried, and pulls herself to him, sitting on his lap. "Take your time, it's okay to now know how to explain things." The brunette wraps her arms around his neck as he places his hands on her waist rubbing it. 

A minute goes by, and Deku finally finishes his train of thought. "The Safety Commission's planning to divide the heroes into two groups, one for if Shigaraki attacks the city, and the other he'll attack us in another place in Okinawa... In two days, all citizens will evacuate to UA's underground shelters."

After his explanation, the girls face is filled with more concern, and a little bit of stress. "Which group are you in." She looks him in the eye, scared with her mouth slightly open. 

The greenette sighs, looking in concern. "I'm going to Okinawa..."

Ochako's eyes widen, with slight fear, trying not to cry. "Please tell me you're joking." She says, a little desperate, while her voice starts to shake.

Izuku responds in a sad tone. "I wish I was, I'm sorry that I have to leave you... But I have to go and fight." Ochako's face saddening more, as tears slowly form in her eyes, not knowing they were forming.

She hugs the man tightly, pulling herself onto his shirt while she cries into his chest. "Why?" She says whimpering, scared and aware of the fact that there's chances of him dying against Shigaraki.

Izuku hugs her back tightly, placing a hand on her head, rubbing her hair with comfort and care. "I'm sorry..." Ochako continues to cry harder. "You're going to keep your promise, right?" She asks, hoping that she'd get the answer she wanted for her to ease. 

Izuku hesitates, his voice shaking as he continues to hug her tighter in his embrace. "I promise, I will break every bone, if it meant to see you and our child... I promise I'll come back." He says, meaning every single word, pouring his emotion into one sentence to help her calm down and have hope for him. 

He wipes her tears. "Everything's going to be fine, just trust me." He says looking at her, then kisses her forehead, calming her more. "Okay..." She says in between tears, as a sign she's calming down.

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