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"Izuku, what's wrong!?" Ochako starts to get more worried.

He stays silent as his face continues to stay pale.


He passes out, landing on the ground, his head hitting first, the last words his ears heard was the worried cries of Ochako before his eyes were shut close.


Izuku eyes slowly open, he takes a look around to see that he was lying on in the couch, and had a wet cloth on his forehead, he looks to his right and sees Ochako's worried expression.

He gets startled from the sudden face he saw less than a foot away from him.

 Ochako shows a worried face. "Don't scare me like that." She starts to hug him. "You worried me." She tightens the hug.

Izuku hugs her back, patting her back. "Hey, hey, there's no reason for you to be scared for me." his face begins to show a rather sad face, he doesn't like seeing Ochako sad, and it's something he will never get used to do.

Ochako hides her face in his neck. "Yeah, but still, it never fails to scare me." She manages to muffle while burying her face in his shirt.

Izuku chuckles. "I'm glad you're worried for me." He pushes her head away from his neck for her to face him. Her face is red from all the crying she had gone through while crying in his arms, he ignores the fact that his shoulder is wet from tears and smiles warmly as he wipes the tears from her eyes and cups her cheeks.

He continues to smile. "But you know I don't want to see you crying, especially for me."  He strokes her face with his thumb.

She doesn't say anything in response, but pulls him in for a hug, this time she wasn't crying, instead she was calm. The man holds her tight in the embrace, not planning to let her go anytime soon.

 They stay in that position for a few minutes. "We should probably get some rest; it's getting a little late." Ochako says trying to be released from the embrace but failing miserably. Deku whines. "Do we really have to go to bed now, we could just stay like this." He tightens the hug making no escape for Ochako to escape.

Ochako tries to slither her way out of the hug, almost finding an opening. "Nope! Because right now we smell like UA's locker rooms." She says playfully as she finally pops out of the hug, standing in front of her spouse that is begging for her to come back in his embrace.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll go take a shower!" He says reluctantly as he stands up exhausted to even stand up.


The couple both get ready for bed after getting themselves freshened up, they already ate before they arrived, so they didn't have to make dinner, Deku is the first to lie in his bed waiting for Ochako who is in another room.

Deku reads a book to waste time. 'Hm, I wonder who she's talking to on the phone, I hope it's not bad news.' He turns a page while running through all his thoughts.


"Yes, that is correct, when is the appointment?" 

She hears the operator typing. "Scheduling to when we are free for your abortion appointment, we are free this Friday, but may I ask, are you sure that you want to have this abortion?" The operator asks in concern.

I hesitate before answering, and look to Izuku and I's bedroom, thinking about what decision I am going to make, I start to reconsider my choices until the operator speaks again.

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