A Serious Conversation

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 It has been a few weeks after Deku wakes up from his coma, and Ochako is now two and a half months pregnant, but it is still not noticeable, and she starts to wear baggy clothes to not gain suspicion and starts to work in an agency and look for the cities and villains' surroundings.

It is a bright morning, and she wakes up in her bed, she looks to her right side to see her sleeping husband, the morning sun shines through the window as drool falls from his face, he looked calm in a way to make Ochako happy even if it meant only as an expression.

She warmly smiles at her sleeping husband. 'He looks so cute.' she thinks as she runs a hand through his hair and rubs it, his fluffy green curls felt soft as he, he starts to slowly move as a result of her rubbing his head, his eyes slowly lift and reveals Ochako smiling at him.

Ochako softly smiles. "Morning." She continues to rub his hair. "Morning Ochako" Deku smiles back at her. "You look cute when you sleep, you know that?" Ochako grins at him as she continues to rub his head. "T-Thanks." He blushes from her statement, he never thought people would think about the way he slept, but he was glad she said that he looked cute, not so he could be proud of his own self, but thankful that he could feel being loved by the person he loved.

The married couple get out of bed and have breakfast together on their balcony table, watching the sun rise as they eat their food.

Ochako takes one bite of her food and catches Deku glancing at her.

She awkwardly swallows her food. "Is there something on my face?" Deku continues to glance at her shamelessly not knowing that he has ignored her question. "Hey, Izuku." She snaps a finger in front of his face to make him stop daydreaming. "W-what?" He asks cluelessly not knowing what he has done. "Is there something on my face?" Ochako asks him as she places her knife and fork on her plate. "O-oh, no, there isn't anything on your face, I was just thinking how beautiful you are." He smirks as he rests his head on his right palm making Ochako blush from his compliment. "T-thanks, Deku; I really appreciate it." She smiles, continuing to blush.

They continued to talk about what was happening during their hero work, which would include jokes, and Deku dealing with Bakugo's small fuse attitude and small tantrums.

"Remember the time when you and I did our first combat training together?" Deku chuckles while taking a sip of his coffee and looks at the sunrise. "Of course, I do Deku, Bakugo was literally trying to kill you." They both laugh at her nostalgic memory. "You were literally sweating through your hero costume before the training even started." She chuckles as she remembers the time, they did their first thing together. "But seriously, I had a good reason to anyways." Deku laughs as the couple takes a few seconds to look at each other.

"Time really does go fast, doesn't it?" Ochako rests her head in her palm as she stares at the beautiful orange aura in front of them. "Yeah, it does." The greenette gazes at his lover admiring the view, he smiles at the sight of her, and she takes knowledge of his gazing.

"You like what you see?" She smirks not moving from her position. "And what if I do?" He smiles not having a single care in the world on what she would think about what he said. "Since when did you get so smooth?" Ochako grins as she leans on the table and finally decides to face Deku. "Let's just say that, maybe someone changed me for the better to be more confident." He smirks at her and reaches out for her hand to hold across the table, Ochako helps by reaching out her hand.

They both caress each other's hand and smile at each other.

"I love you, Izuku, and if I ever had a chance to relive these moments again, I'd do it to the point I won't be able to count it." She warmly smiles as she rubs her husbands scarred hand. "And if I ever had a chance to protect you, I'd do it to the point I'd die for you." Izuku replies while smiling at her.

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