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It was one hour into the flight, and Deku just finished taking his nap, after that he felt a lot more refreshed than before, he takes a look around aisle, only to see no one at all.

'Where is everyone?' He thought, he gets up from his chair reluctantly, feeling his anxiety slowly start to rise as he looks all over the plane just to find someone. Every single hero was gone, he was all on his own. He checks the back of the plane to find the stewards, his nerves slowly starting to rise with unease, there was a final resort. 'The pilot! He's gotta be here, the plane's still in the air!' He runs to where the pilot was, only to find an empty seat with no pilot, along with the second in command.

The plane starts to go downwards, making Deku start to panic, as he starts to get scared by the second, he kept wondering where everybody was, hoping this was a dream, was it really? or was it true? The plane crashes into another island a few hundred miles away from their destination, as it demolishes and starts to burn near the jungle, pieces of burning metal filling the aura while Deku lays there almost about to being unconscious, his head starts to bleed as the result of the crash, which was the least amount of damage he could take since he used One for All to minimize the injuries.

Pain starts to overflow him, his nerves rising with every move he makes as he tries to stand up, but failing miserably while the fire starts to get closer to him.

The fire keeps spreading closer to him, until Deku sees a dark figure walking towards him, he didn't know if they were a villain, but he had to get up, right now, he had to stay alive, not for him, but for her.

With the pain growing immensely with each bone or twitch moving, he barely musters up all his strength to get back up on his feet, his skin already firming from the intense heat and already feeling the pain when he finally stands up as the dark figure gets closer to him.

The dark figure cannot be seen, as it is only seen as a silhouette, it walks closer to him, a few meters away from Deku.

Deku gets more defensive, his body making a fighting stance, waiting for the silhouette to say or do something.

The figure laughs, reaching his hand into something the greenette assumed was his pocket, and tossing something to him, it seemed to have a metallic sound as it dropped on the ground in front of him. 

The hero's gaze softens as he watches the ring in front of him, looking back at the figure, he picks up the object, it appears to be a ring. 

But wait, this wasn't any ordinary ring, it appeared that it was something he recognized immediately when he took a close look at the thing to reassure himself.

He looks under the ring, finding the initials of his dear wife Ochako on it, his face widens in fear, how did he get this? how did he even know about Ochako and him being married? 

His thoughts overwhelm with the number of possibilities with what could have happened. He grits his teeth, his eyes threatening to unleash tears of sorrow, he had to make sure his ideas weren't real.

He glares at the dark figure, trying so hard not to cry from his thoughts. "Where did you get this?" He grips onto the ring between his fingers, his face slowly turning into one of anger.

The figure laughs, making Deku feel more worried with what could have happened to Ochako. The figure's expression turns into a menacing smile, looking at him creepily, then motioning the number one hero to turn around with slow fingers.

Deku's face gets more scared, unable to even move from the amount of fear this man was giving him, down from the figure's actions, his creepy smile widens more as Deku gets more scared by even looking at him, but more scared to look at what was behind him.

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