The City of Bedrock

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Steve's POV

We crept through more alleyways and streets, the entrance to the city of bedrock was in through the mines and it wasn't blocked off like this one because of the protected cities surrounding it. When we entered the mines we noticed where the towns food supply was coming through from. Zombies and monsters were creeping out of the dark tunnel branches and reaching towards us. We broke all of the torches and it plunged us into darkness, not even the zombies could properly see. But we didn't have glinting black eyes or make lots of noise. We sliced their heads off and left the rotten flesh for the townspeople. After mining through a sealed wall and following a narrow, steep tunnel I noticed the temperature drop noticeably with every block travelled. It eventually got so cold I couldn't help but shiver,

"How deep does this go?" I asked trying hopelessly to fend off the cold.

"Lets say... Very deep underground." Said Lyra from behind me,

"In case you were wondering." Said Veronica from in front of me, "It is almost at bedrock level." I shivered again and felt my cold hands, it was then I made a silent promise to never live in an underground city.

. . .

We came out and slid down a ladder, we were keeping as close as possible to each other and everywhere we went, people were shivering, crouching, sleeping and warming next to fireplaces. And I didn't blame them. This place made the nether look like a freezer. After navigating our way right across the city a townsperson came up to me,

"Please, a jacket for a beggar..." He reached for Ryan's hoodie but Ryan backed away, even in his warm jacket he was shivering, almost spazzing uncontrollably. He looked sorry about it but said,

"We're in a hurry," We climbed another ladder into a mineshaft like the one that led into the city of stone. Lighting a torch and doing what we did last time, we navigated it, turning random corners and fighting off monsters. Nothing was different except this time we passed a cave spider's nest. We came to a blocked off part on a staircase sloping upwards steeply. We felt what it was... dirt We all looked at each other in the torchlight, we dug out the dirt and beautiful sunlight shot into the cave, blinding us, I covered my eyes as I inhaled fresh air. Fresh, non-stale air. In fact, I took a moment to savour it. I climbed out of the cave into the desert and after turning around I noticed we were only on the outskirts of the jungle. I bathed in the afternoon warmth and decided nobody should be in that place, but I doubted I would ever accept going back.

. . .

We had been trekking through the dunes for a while now and I estimated we had covered half the desert. We managed to find a village that allowed us to harvest and replant their crops for food that wouldn't last long but hopefully get us back to base. And after twenty more minutes of travelling we saw a temple half submerged in sand. I smiled ad Ryan tore open the entrance to the HTL base. Ryan placed the command block down in the training area.

"What are we going to do with it?" Everyone asked, Ryan thought as if seriously considering it. We had the block that could create a whole new, trouble free world, bend Herobrine out of the world, change humans from powerless and survival to flying and creative!

"Protect it from Herobrine." Said Ryan pained, I knew he wanted to do so much with that block. "This thing has just become the most important thing to us." He looked from the block to us, "Anyone will hunt us down for it."

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