The Resurgence

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Standing atop the highest towers of the palace of Anga , I could have a glimpse of almost my entire territory . The corpses that were yet to receive funeral were splattered across all directions . My absence had cost the land enormous loss and now my presence needs to somehow salvage the destruction . With the intention of performing my duty for my people , I have reached the spot to attempt a feat that was previously tried many a millennium back by the gods to revive the ones fighting for righteousness . Dipping one of my sturdy arrows into the nectar of life , I showered a flurry of them multiplying soon to deliver its impact .

The scenery changed and so did the atmosphere in no time . The elemental roars were replaced by buzzing music of the mother nature as newly rejuvenated life creeped out of the dead . The forests and the beings were all singing the song of life as a wave of freshness dashed across each of the gloomy faces present before . The residents started singing praises of the almighty for having been gifted with the unthinkable . It took most of them a lot of time to reprocess what had actually occurred as to them it was nothing sort of a miracle . Very few had an inkling of who could be behind the resurrection and those who had were probably expecting a few more such stunts .

As I returned from my spot of glory , I was greeted by grateful looks from the courtiers and soldiers . The news had probably transpired quickly as the public had gathered around the palace with a renewed vigour . So had the queens of Anga with a hope of getting their own blood revived . Most were thankful while a few disappointed as they had already performed the last rites of their kins . The most anxious ones were my wives of this timeline or rather say the mothers of the princes . They anxiety however had no definite answer from myself . The bodies of the princes had been destroyed by the assailants while the remnant heads gifted back in mockery . There wasn't a way to revive them completely , yet I wasn't someone to back out easily .

The queens pleaded before me to get their sons returned back to life as had the dead of Anga . I tried to reason with them explaining the issue of the absence of the trunk which could have helped out . There's nothing more distressing than a grieving mother and here I had to deal with nine of them in my own family . Pramadvara however helped me out with the ladies , yet it wasn't going to be easy . In order to reassure them of trying my part , I promised to resurrect the cutoff heads somehow using ways that would be scripting history .

A huge sacrificial altar was created in the middle of the ceremonial arena . The whole of the city had flocked around to witness the spectacle as the soldiers were assigned the tough job of managing the crowd . The nine severed heads of the grandsons of the sun garlanded the area in a semicircular fashion as I sat opposite to them to evoke the elements of the nature . The Queens though skeptical of the procedure had gathered therein hoping against all hopes . My Salutations to my eldest brother were met soon by the lord of the death who graced us by his presence only to express his inability to return back the souls of his nephews . His reason was perhaps guided by the laws framed by the gods and the absence of the bodies also suited his agenda . However he accepted my proposal to attend the auspicious sacrifice that I was trying to attempt inorder to keep my words , much owing probably to his curiosity in it .

The elements were evoked and so was my father as they showered their respective energies onto the altar . Now it was my turn to begin the sacrifice as I declared that if the princes of Anga couldn't be revived into frameless bodies , then their dead remains would be offered into the sacrificial altar . My declaration erupted cries from the ladies area as I could just offer a reassuring nod to them as I went on to offer the head of Vrishasena into the fire . The fire grew in size as I went on carrying out the same with each of the other heads of the sons of Karna . The massive fire summoned , adorned with the powers of the elements was ready to accept the final chunk in the puzzle as I summoned a handful of Amrita to offer into the sacrifice .

The gods above , the deities in reverence and those witnessing the spectacle were surprised with the nature of the sacrifice that was being performed with the involvement of the nectar of life . Those who were sacrificed for the battle for Amrita are being offered the same by the one who has the authority to challenge the norms set by them . The huge fire absolutely transpired across universe as I myself entered its flames amidst the sobs of many. Using all my might ,  summoning all my cosmic energies and using the powers of the elemental forces , I created a metamorphosis form of myself that incorporated the heads of my sons into myself thereby rejuvenating them from the dead . As my resurgent ten headed form re-emerged out of fire , the beholders had their eyes popped out of their sockets .

The valiant son of the sun with his invincibility was something the gods had been wary off late . And this epic sacrifice had given them a glimpse of what to expect of the challenges thrown  at myself . No sooner had the heads of the sons of Karna revived , the universe trembled in fear as a war roar filled with fury emitted across the directions .  Each of the heads on offer , had resurrected a glorious warrior of yesteryears only to shock the conspirators about the challenge they are to be up against next .

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