The Return

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The death of the only brother-in-law of the Kauravas finally knocked some sense into their heads and this episode marked the end of this horrible trip . Finally all of us were back to our business where an even greater mess awaited us . The rumors of the death of the three sons of Kunti had already been confirmed by various spies of Hastinapur and hence the patriarch was absolutely infuriated . The sons of Dhritarastra were thereby skeptical about facing the terrible man who might punish them for having got his favorite grandsons killed . Moreover the death of the son-in-law of Hastinapur too had grave implications.

Duryodhana was typically concerned about how his sister and mother would react and what step Hastinapur might take against his friend . While Dushasana was just thinking to put forward the proposal to get himself married to his unfortunate sister in law by citing some weird customs . Vikarna and Yuyustu were really concerned about Draupadi who had lost her three husbands to netherworld while the remaining two had been nearly incapacitated . Her protection during the remaining period of exile amidst the current situation seemed improbable . So they wished that their eldest would recall their cousins back , now that they weren't posing any further threat .

I wanted initially to get back to my abode but the seemingly worried sons of Gandhari perhaps needed my backing at the court of Hastinapur. Hence we decided to show ourselves there first before proceeding towards Anga . As we entered the borders of Hastinapur , a small troop led by the King of Gandhar was there to welcome us . This very man had abandoned us during the very first skirmish with the Gandharvas and retreated . However he is here to welcome us after we have managed to save ourselves somehow . His overtly diplomatic approach is well known to me . But let's see how this man deals with the man from future .

" Welcome my dear nephews . I am glad for you my son as now none can stop you from becoming the emperor . " was the opening greetings of the uncle of Kauravas .

" All because of Karna . I told you , he is a gem . What none of your schemes could do over years was overcome by him in this trip with ease . " gloated Duryodhana with immense joy .

" Yeah , I see , I see . I can very well see how Angaraja effortlessly outclassed the mighty warriors for you . Isn't this what we had him in our side for ? " the wily fox remarked making Duryodhana uneasy .

" Is it for that only ? Or for some sort of vengeance related stuff for the pride of Gandhar ? " was my question that caught him off guard .

" Not at all , king of Anga . My bad . You see I am not that good in humor owing to the age creeping up . By the way , congrats for having finally unleashed your wrath on the Pandavas for humiliating you throughout your life . " Shakuni tactfully deviated the topic .

" I didn't even spare your nephew in-law despite having no enmity with him . My demeanor is really unpredictable old man . Who knows , the next might be one of his neighbors . " my casual remark unsettled him as he could see a slight twitch in my lips .

" What.... has the borders got to do with it anyway ? Of course your valour is commendable , but a few questions might be raised in the court . After all Dushala is the only daughter of the king . " The brother of Gandhari focused on the immediate issue instead to escape my piercing gaze as the Kauravas seemed to understand absolutely nothing about the conversation.

" Even after this , do you think I won't be able to handle it ? " I pressed upon , not willing to let him go so easily as Duryodhana seemed to frown .

" I have full faith on you , my son . But you know how the president and prime Minister adore the ones you have butchered . The king is irked as well for the loss of his son in-law and an a potential ally . " Shakuni tried to gain an upper hand by presenting the mood of the court with a smirk .

" The president and the prime minister , yeah . But just honestly tell me when had you or me cared about them anyway ? As for the King he must have been probably informed of the circumstances as well . " My indifference really scared him as now he could see a potential threat in myself .

" Aren't you afraid of being punished ? You are a vassal after all infront of the King of Hastinapur and the people whom you have killed are his kins . " the baffled Shakuni asked .

" We are with him uncle . Aren't we ? " was the prompt counter of my friend to which he could only nod almost unwillingly .

" Whatever I did was indispensable . I wasn't someone who ran away leaving his dear one to his fate . Moreover you know the king of Hastinapur better than me , o king of Gandhar . Even about his choices between his sons and his daughter. " my statements absolutely rendered each of them speechless unless the second son of Gandhari showcased his brilliance.

" Uncle , how about we propose in the court that Draupadi should be called back and be bestowed upon me ? " chirped in the idiot to earn a hundred faces snap at him simultaneously.

" I...I mean upon us . If she could have five husbands of which now none being able to perform their duties then why should that poor girl lead her life in the forest when she can grace our lives as our Queen ? " proposed Dushasana cautiously .

" What the hell are you saying , brother Dushasana ? She is our sister in law and sister in law is like our mother . " protested Vikarna .

" Shut up you fools . Here we are desperate to escape the courtroom drama and you both are stuck with those nomads . " chided Duryodhana.

" But , we have a custom of getting married to the elder brother's wife if the brother is dead . In Tretaya yuga , both Sugriva and Vibhishana married their widowed sister in laws after their respective elder brothers perished . " grumbled the fool once again .

" And they were monkey and demon respectively too as well . Though you are both even in this lifetime , yet being born of a human restricts your scope , dear Dushasana. " my sarcasm got the Kauravas into fits of laughter as the atmosphere lightened prior to the intense grilling sessions of the courtroom , as our convoy enters through the township of Hastinapur.

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