The Conversation

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" Calm down , Vasusen . Your anger has been consuming both yourself and those around you . Your rage seems quite out of proportion in regards to it's apparent cause . " the soothing voice of the enchanting God of Gods reverberated in both my ears making me bow humbly before him .

" My salutations to the most adorable one among the Gods . Yet your words too don't fit into the circumstances either , your honour. " was my reply to the destroyer of the universe .

" There's never have been any doubt in the mind of the most scintillating personality of the era these days . What happened now ? " the enchanting smile grew wider in his face as he questioned myself .

" Rage is often related to the circumstances , so there's no way it could be out of proportion to the cause . Hence your remarks were probably something similar to a mere generalisation by any passer by , o omnipresent one . " my humble defense began .

" That's true , had that been the case with Karna , isn't  it ? How does it concern you Vasusen ? " his smile growing into smirk made me feel lighter as though I had suppressed a secret for long inside myself .

" Karna or Vasusen or Radheya ,  whosoever I might have been , the retaliation was definitely due to the reaction of the action in the first place . " was my curt reply .

" We know who you are very well , son . You needn't drag the act any further . " His all knowing smile tried to weaken my resolve .

" We ? So  both of you dear friends have been working hard of late isn't it ? " I chuckled at the unknown development .

" Of course son . Narayan and myself aren't separate entities . We just seem different to others . " clarified Shiva .

" So may I ask , why exactly are you here , sir ? Is it due to the resultant effect of some deep diving involvement of my cousin in the ploy of the demons ? " I  asked the lord of the universe.

" Am I answerable to you ? Well righly as you may guess but not directly though . However Banasura has my protection owing to a boon , son . " the husband of Parvati gave his reasons .

" So you are here to protect him . Then kindly suggest means to pacify the grieving mothers who lost their sons due to your great devotee " my mocking remark got him all serious .

" Death is uncertain , unpredictable and  irreversible yet the only truth . At least of all the men , you understand it very well Vasusen . The people whom you went on killing were someone's kins too . " the serene one calmly stated .

" Yet , it was your very own wife who once  made a fuss of it despite knowing this fact isn't  it , o lord . " my cheeky response got him split into laughter.

" Krishna was right . You have homeworked each of us quite well enough to trap in your words . I agree with you here , it's  really tough to handle women at times . " the mischievous glint in his eyes was something otherworldly .

" So probably there's definitely a way out of this situation . If you could recover your son back , so you could get that done for them as well . " I suggested .

" This case is a bit different son . Vinayaka was a divine entity unlike mortal princes of Anga . You must consider this fact as well . " Maheswar solemnly affirmed .

" I do agree obviously , sir . Yet the massacre at Anga was uncalled for and unprovoked . Had that been a single incident it could have been considered . But they attacked the innocents repeatedly again and again . They deserved this counterattack. And so does their king  . " my resolve growing stronger .

" So you want to challenge me now after all your heroics isn't it ? You know very well , I can't leave my devotee midway in his tough times . " The destroyer threw me a challenging look .

" Not if you suggest ways to deescalate things . The terms however have to at least consider the revival of the kids of the Anga Queens . " my demands were justified,  at least I felt so .

" You are being unnecessarily stubborn , Vasusen . There's no easy way out to get the dead back if the bodies aren't well preserved . Same was the case with your brothers. " The indomitable one spoke .

" The path may be tough but so am I . I tried my best but my elder brother is stubborn as well . He needs your permission to allow me retrieve their souls into newer bodies . " I keep pressing on my demand .

" I can't allow that . Neither would Narayan . Definitely not without the retrieval of souls of Pandavas . You should sort out your differences with Him first . " advised Maheswar.

" I may consider that once I am free from this mess for a while . But for now there has to be something back in offer to deescalate things further . I won't go back empty handed ." My thoughts were exploring possible options to gain favours of the almighty.

" I can bring Banasura on to talking terms with you only if you stop terrorizing him . He may have something to offer you as compensation . " offered the Mrityunjaya .

" He has to resort onto negotiations anyway sooner or later . How exactly still can you help the queens of Anga ? " enquired myself .

" By simply stating that there's no feasible way to getting the princes in the same form as before . You have yourself  revoked powerful souls of ancient ages through that sacrifice . However it may not be sufficient to bolster the kids unless you find out a way to give them a new form . " the serene yet serious Shiva remarked .

" I would keep trying though . Failures may come all my way . Yet I would get going innovating and rediscovering all the way . Who knows I might land up somewhere special . And in the meanwhile your dear one might face some music as well . " I chipped in .

" It's  not just about you . But about the mothers . They would have to tread through tough times to get their sons back . Though you too might have the active role in it . Bearing your misadventures is not easy either for human females ." the innocent one revealed .

" There's nothing in the whole universe that a mother can't  and won't do for her son . " my reply made him laugh heartily while nodding in agreement.

" Go on then , noone's stopping you unless you try to do something outrageous . Your so called wives would have to purify themselves in the sacred altar that you once created for revoking the powers of past . Thereafter they would get rejuvenated with a youthful body which may endure your experiments for reproducing the lost souls . " divulged the Neelakantha .

" They aren't the daughters of fire to escape the wrath of fire . I would rather prefer anything that doesn't involve any such obnoxious and  orthodox practices . " I stated firmly .

" You accepted deescalation so easily , Vasusen . That's quite unlikely of you as well . What's the matter ? Are you afraid of battle now ? " provoked the lord .

" Not at all , sir . Probably I was on my way in had you not intervened . " I wasn't ready to give up .

" So let's sort things out here first with Banasura . Who knows you may find something interesting and helpful ? " the mischievous glint in the eyes of the lord spoke volumes about the cryptic path I was treading .

" Whatsoever may that foolish devotee of yours be dreaming about , he isn't going to have things easy for himself after such a mess that he has procreated . " I resolved before Him as both of us walked through the gates of Shonitpura which was opened on the orders of the Trilochana .

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