The Revival

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Serenity was something that water of the river Ganga offered to its beholder . Even the most unsettled minds received tranquillity at the bank of this holy river . But perhaps I wasn't supposed to be one of them as even being submerged in this pristine environment didn't offer solace to my bleeding heart this time . However it did get me out of my troubles from that wretched life only to land me somewhere in a similar situation . As the cool currents of Ganga took my life I felt as if the burden had finally been lifted off my shoulders .

But I was going to be proven terribly wrong as a sharp excruciating pain ran throughout my torso and both ears almost killing me . I felt as if my skin has been peeled off by some sharp object , could be perhaps some aquatic predator . The pain grew overwhelming enough to get on my nerves which couldn't process what the hell was happening with me . Could have been the hell itself of course as I wasn't any Saint from Satyug to get a direct ticket to heaven . But why are they peeling of my skin is beyond my imagination . The only thing I could try in this horrible condition was to think about those who brought happiness to my heart , my family and my friends . As my fast paced breath seemed to gather some regularity , the pain seemed getting bearable enough despite being persistent .

But as the things started getting under control , my ears had to bear some faintly growing noises . It appeared as if a large mob was gossiping unharmoniously among themselves creating a mess of a fish market near me . The commotion was giving me a throbbing headache even more painful than that of the previous one . Probably it was the worst headache of my life enough to burst my head open . The voices reduced drastically after sometime only to be replaced by a few sobs and occasional shouts when I feel as if some paste is being applied over my body . The voices start getting somewhat organized in form of a few directions as though some procedure was being performed over me . Perhaps my body has been rescued out of river Ganga and now I am getting operated on or may be some demons in hell are deciding on the procedure to cook me .

After what felt like eternity the recipe seemed to have been sorted as the concerned voices died down . Only to be replaced by shrill cries and sobbing voices of women . This was a new found surprise for me as probably I had none to cry for except my two well settled sisters and may be the two close friends . But the voices here seemed to be many as they started disturbing my peace once again . Probably my useless mourners won't even let me die in peace after all the fiasco I had dealt with during life . They even started running their hands all over my body making me uncomfortable enough to finally wake up to face another terrible nightmare named afterlife .

Waking up any new day feels great as it offers new opportunities but here I have woken up at some unknown place among weird people . The room I am in is exceptionally huge and so is the bed on which I am resting . But I am not alone as I am accompanied by a series of women almost garlanding the bed with myself in centre . These women seemed to be concerned about me as they keep on checking upon me one by one besides thanking the almighty . Their tear stricken face and moist red eyes appears as though they had been grieving over for long probably for me as far as their actions are concerned .
But I have absolutely no idea how am I related to them as each of their faces seem to be unrecognizable to my brain . Or have I lost memory of some part of my life ? But I could clearly recollect everything including my childhood days and even my recent stunt .

One of them offers me a glass filled with water as the second one helps me rest on the bed in a half lying position . I gulp the whole of it in one go as surprisingly I had felt thirsty even after drowning . Probably I had recovered my consciousness after a long time . Handing over the empty glass to the first Lady I look down at my body to find it covered with numerous pastes of various kinds . Could be some kind of herbal treatment I suppose . I had barely relaxed when the ladies started caressing me . Two of them started massaging my legs despite my protest while two on both of my sides took both of my hands in theirs to hold them close to their hearts . The remaining ones were either in a posture to serve anything I demand or were simply smiling at me as their tears were betraying them . I don't know what sort of drama is taking place here as these beautiful damsels in heavily ornamental attires , befitting royalties are desperate to nurse me .

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