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My eyes slowly fluttered open. I rubbed my eyes clearing my vision now  finding  myself in a car. "Where the fuck am I? This isn't my bed?" I thought. Some guy who was driving chuckled.

"Home." V said. Then I realized this wasn't a dream. I'm in a car with a guy kidnapping me. I looked out the window nothing but trees circling around us while we are traveling on a dirt road. It looked like a secluded area. Now in a clearing there was a big house. Way nicer than any house I've ever seen, like the ones in the movies. There's no way that could be the house. As we got closer to it I turned to to see that V is now grinning from ear to ear looking over at the house. Guess it is the house.
We went around to the back and V parked the car there. V got out and
opened my door. He held my hand so I wouldn't go running off. And we entered the house. As I expected it was exactly what I thought a mansion. Chandlers hanging around the ceiling for lighting. Red velvet rugs with a huge dining and kitchen area. Expensive paintings hung all around. And lots of doors of different rooms upstairs. Anything you can imagine from a rich persons house in a movie.
I looked at everything in awe. No way I could afford this if I was back home. I heard a light chuckle. I turn to see a grinning V.

"Loving your new castle princess?" V asked me. I scoffed.

"Love my own castle at home." I spat out.

"You'll learn to love it here." V said and grinned as he held my hand and went over to what looks like a huge living room.When we walked in the living room. There were too other 2 other boys one with cute rabbit like teeth and one with big soft lips. They were just watching TV then they turned over to us. "Oh Tae  you caught one!"The one with the rabbit teeth called out . The lip one was eyeing me up and down. "Taehyung, She's looks like a good one." He said and smirked. I look at him with disgust. Does he have no shame? I'm not an object. So the guys name is Taehyung.

"Its V Jungkook, Jin please." V said to them giving them a glare. They both fell silent. I let go of Taehyungs hand. "Don't you think about leaving." He said seriously. I just stood there quiet. "Guys excuse us." V said grabbing my hand again and dragging me upstairs. There was quite a few room we walked to the very first door. V turned the nob and opened it. The room was pitch black. Just pure darkness and a light bulb shining at the center with a old wooden chair.  My eyes widened. What is he gonna do to me. A million thoughts were racing to my mind of what this mad man could possibly do to me  as he dragged me over. Once we got close to the chair  he shoved me making me  sit down. He put his hands on the arm rests basically trapping me in his grasp.

"Listen here princess. Don't you think about EVER escaping me okay." He said and smirked. I didn't respond I just looked down at the ground. V started getting inpatient with me.

"ANSWER ME!!" He screamed. I nodded. He huffed angrily. A stinging sensation went to my cheek. I winced. He just slapped me. I turned my hand into a fist and was about to punch him until he  had a gun up to my face. I put my hand down. He smirked.

"That's more like it princess." He said as his hand caressing my cheek. He stopped and turned away from me. He sighed. "The last girl I had tried to escape me but I couldn't let that happen." He said walking in to the darkness of the room where the light bulb wasn't shining at.

"W-W-w-what d did u do to her?" I said nervously. As I turned my head hearing him walk around me. He walked up to me from behind  and whispered.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked. I flinched at his breath that was on my neck, and quickly muttered a yes. V chuckled and now stood in front of me.

"Nothing don't worry about it, but there WILL BE consequences if you do." He said.

"So what happens if I do what you say?" I asked him straight to the point. Taehyungs eyes widened in surprise seeing me corporate so easily. I crossed my arms together.

"Well..." He whispered in his deep voice as he walked over to me and bent down to me. He leaned over to my ear.

"I'll go easy on you baby." He whispered. I as he was sucking on my neck. I froze still trying to process what was happening. As soon as reality hit me.

"Stop!" I said pushing him away. He regained his composure and  looked down upon me. I looked up at him with a blank stare. Is he gonna kill me? After a while of us staring each other down the corners of his lips tilted upwards forming a slight smirk.

"Feisty I like it." He said licking his lips. I gagged and V just chuckled.

"Princess theres a few rules that you should follow." He said.

"What if I don't want to?" I snapped back.

"Don't mess with me." He said waving the gun right infront of my face. "Got it?"

"Fine..." I said softly.

"Good girl." He said as he knelt right next to me putting his hand on my thigh. "Rule 1 no escaping or else." I nodded. "Rule 2 don't test me. We both don't want you to see me when I get angry." "And rule 3 be honest if I'm honest to you then its only fair if you do the same. DONT LIE okay."

"Fine....Taehyung ." His expression changed into a frown.

"Call me V got it?"He said gritting his teeth.

"Okay, V? what's with the other guys?" He got up and sighed.

"Oh right, there my friends."

"Oh right, do they know you kidnap and harass girls?" I questioned him.

"Yes actually they do too. We're just having a little meeting. I'll be right back but in the mean time I'm taking you somewhere to wait awhile for me." He said as he helped me get up with his hand he looked down to see  our hands intertwined still and he smiled. He opened the door for me and I grabbed my backpack and he lead the way.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked  nervously.

"Our room." V said nonchalantly. He stopped my tracks making him stop too. He turned to me.

"OUR ROOM?!" I yelled frightened.

"Yes, now is there a problem?" He said  harshly pulling me.


"Good." He said opening the door. We walked in. The room was enormous and royal like. It had a diamond chandlerar hanging from the ceiling, fancy Italian like paintings, king sized  bed and a plasma TV and a glass bathroom with a huge tub jeccissi. The room also had a walk in closet that has a  changing room that was another room filled with clothing.

"I'm gonna go. Don't go anywhere babe." He said and smirked and winked at me and closed the door. I waited till u couldn't hear his footsteps and went slowly over to the door. I tried to open it.

"Shit." I mumbled. Locked no wonder he said don't go anywhere. I can't actually go anywhere. I paced around the room thinking on what I should do.

"I have to find a way out of here! He killed a girl!! Nononono.... Will I ever see my mom and little sister again?"After I said that tears started falling from me cheeks. I quickly wiped them away. No time for crying I went in the bathroom there was a small window above the tub.  I went in the tub and got on top of it with my feet on the sides. Luckily it was thick enough and I could get ontop of it checked the window to see if it was open and it was open! I sighed of relief that he was an idiot for not locking the window. I ran over to the bed and grabbed the sheets and tied them together. Luckily there were poles from  at the sides of the bed to hold the sheets in place.  I managed to tie it tight enough to hopefully hold me and not be loose enough to release. I went in the bathroom and opened the window I threw the tied sheets outside. Looked out the window to see how far it was. I looked out the window and down.


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