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V finished cooking he set down the food. We ate in silence. I can feel his eyes on me while we ate. I just ignored him and looked at the food. As much as I hate to admit, V is a great cook.  As V finished up he coughed tryna break the silence.

"So I'm going to have a meeting today at my house so I'm going to need you to stay upstairs okay?" V said to me. I just continued eating. V slammed his hands down at the table making me flinch to look to him.

"Ok princess?"  V asked in a more demanding tone. I nodded my head. Still not satisfied V frowned walking over to me. My eyes widened  sticking my arms blocking my self from him.  I lightly pushed his tummy away from me since I was sitting down.

"OK V I UNDERSTAND!" I said to him. V gripped my wrist bringing me stopping me from pushing him. He got closer to my face. I froze scared to do anything or else I'll punish me again. I closed my eyes. I feel his cheek brush mine.

"I need you to go upstairs now they'll be here in any minute." V said into my ear and kissed my cheek before pulling away. V smiled at me seeing me hold my cheek to where he kissed me. And started to take our bowls to go wash them. I got up and walked upstairs.

"No funny business alright!" V called out. I rolled my eyes. Since I'm still in my pajamas, might as well change out of it. I went back to the bedroom. I entered into the bathroom I striped off my clothes. I look at myself in the mirror in horror my body is filled with scabs from the whips all over my body. I noticed that some of the whip lines that were not gashed open are left like a very dark bruise. My body looked awful. I felt like crying again. I remember him talking about killing a girl when I first got here. Could he possibly have done something worse to me? 

I took a step in the shower turning it to warm water to not hurt my wounds and showered carefully to not stretch to reopen my gashed wounds. As I got done I went into the walk in closet searching through the racks of clothing.
I wore black sweatpants with a one of V's  black jackets. I heard a few cars pull up to the house. I looked out I went over to the guest bedroom  windows to see what was going on. I saw three cars and a black van parked outside. Why would there be a  black van? I started to panic.
Was V going to take me away? Is he going to get rid of me


"Aye V how's it goin?"  Gang Z  called out.
I greeting the 5  members as they all went inside.

"Woah I never knew you lived like this V." Bambam said. I chuckled. Bambam was one my friends we work under the same hitman. Paul taugh me and Bambam when we were younger before we both separated into different gangs but we still kept in touch from time to time. Along with the other members but I didn't know them as well as I did with Bambam.

"I had to do some remodeling." Other members teased.

"Does someone got a new player?" They asked.
I shook my head no. I can't let them know that Zoey is here. We walked to the dining hall to discuss on the crimes that they've made over the past few months that I've been gone. Gang members have to keep tabs on each other at all costs seeing how one leader does around their gang to see if they're still worthy of being leader.

"Hey where's your restroom?" Bambam asked. I turned to him.

"There should be one to the right." I said as I turned back to the members. As the meeting went on there was no sign of Bambam over the past few minutes.

"Excuse me everyone I have to go do something real quick."  I quickly walked over to the bathroom that I told Bambam to go to  as I tried opening the door knob  it was locked. I bent down to see if there was any one there but it seemed like there was. I didn't buy it for a second.


As V had his meeting I was busy looking around the rooms slowly to see what I could possibly use as an escape plan I know that there is a vent that is in the guest bedroom that could be possible to escape through but I'm not sure what's up there to even try. I can't hurt but to try I went over to the desk that they had in the room to see if I could be able to move it and it wouldn't budge it was too heavy. I sighed out in frustration. I looked over to see a dresser. I smiled. I went over to the dresser to see if there was any clothes, and luckily most of the drawers were empty.

I lightly moved it not bending much because of my injury. It was easy to move. As I slowly moved it over to the vent I climbed ontop of it to try to see if I could possibly reach but I couldn't. I looked over at the chair by the desk. I climbed down and got the chair to stack ontop of the dresser. Luckily it was big enough to put the chair on. As I got up from the chair I carefully got open to push open the vent to move to the side.  Then as I was about to  jump I heard footsteps going up the stairs.  I mentally cursed at myself.

I can't let V come and get me. I took a deep breath and jumped  up and grabbed ahold of the inside trying to pull myself up. As I almost got up a leg grabbed me pulling me back down slamming me onto the floor. I closed my eyes hissing on the pain of my gashed wounds opening back up. I look up to see a unfamiliar face standing in front of me with a sinister smirk across his face.

"So your V's player?" He asked. I was in too much pain to respond. He got impatient and kicked me in the stomach. I screamed out in pain and he quickly  shoved a pill into my face. I fought back pushing his hands away from my face. I could only manage to say one thing.


Then he stuffed that pill into my mouth  forcing me to swallow it. After I did it me feel dizzy.  He drugged me. The room was spinning. I felt like I couldn't move. The man picked me up and almost walk out the room.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" V yelled. He turned and we both faced him. He looked at me in horror seeing me in my drugged state. Before he can dash in after me I heard a gunshot.

"Don't move." Said someone outside stopping V from moving. V sighed as he put his hands up of surrender. The room started to change colors. The man walked out of the room heading downstairs while V had to stay upstairs. They all walked out of the house and I was walked to the black van the boys opened the doors to place me inside. I felt paralyzed I felt so helpless that I thought there was no hope for me at all.

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