Woken up

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I slowly regain consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes. Where am I? Wasn't I in a forest? I looking up to the ceiling of the room. Then I realized I was back in the room, V's room. Did I ever leave in the first place I was certain I did. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Arms were wrapped around me. I turn to see a sleeping V. I analyze his features. I was in awe by him. He looks so adorable. I quickly forced myself to snap out of it. This isn't the boy you met at the conviene store. This a madman that kidnapped you. You don't know what he's possible capable of. I turn back and just layed there thinking on what to do. I slowly started to move trying to get out of his bed. Until he yawned and I froze. He scooted over closer to me now grabbing me putting me back into his grasp. V is now practically hugging me in his sleep. I layed there for a few minutes just to make sure that he was in a deep sleep. As soon as I was sure enough I tried to squirm out of his grasp. As I was almost out of his grasp. He yawned again.

"Ugh, princess stop moving." V said in a deep raspy voice from being woken up now grabbing me.

"Could you please get off me?" I asked him. He  mumbled a no and snuggled his head on my neck. I forcefully  pushed him off of me and got up and then V began to speak.

"There's nowhere for you to go Zoey, everything's locked." V said.  I froze now feeling the cold air from the room now touching on my nude skin. I looked down at my body. I was only in my underwear. I screamed.

"Why am I NAKED!" I yelled. V  groaned.

"Babe SHUTUP!"  He said as he chucked a pillow at my face. I  quickly ran into the bathroom. I turned on the light  I checked myself in the mirror. I had lots of brusies everywhere. On my stomach and my face. What I did notice the most was a huge hickey was on my neck. When I touched them they stung. I winced in pain. As soon as I did V came running in.l now standing at the doorway.

"What's the matter?" He asked worried, now wide awake.

"You know very well what is the matter! What did  you do to me last night?!" I demanded. he came close to me.

"That was your punishment, next time if you try that again you'll be awake to experience all of that mess." He said and smirked leaning in the door. I rolled my eyes at him. I sighed and looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror. Taehyung just staring at me.

"What has my life now become to?"   I thought. V now stood l behind  me and wrapped his arms around me. "Look Zoey, I'm sorry, but you had what's coming to you. I told you about escaping, but you refused to listen to me."

"Come on." I said as I now turned to him now meeting his gaze. He now held my waist, facing  me.

"Do you think I like being kidnapped?" I asked him. He paused and looked at me for a moment. He's expression softened and he let go of me.

"No, and you probably hate me for it but I had too." I looked at him confused. Had too? What does he mean about that?

"What? Who made you?" I asked him.

"Nobody, nothing, never mind." He said quickly as he walked out.

"Wait!" I said following him.

"Your sweater is in the changing room and other clothes so you can change okay." He walked out the door. As soon as I tried to stop him he shut the door on my face. I tried to open the door but he locked it again. Great back to squared one. First, I need to change. I went over to the changing room. I opened the door and the room was huge! It could've been whole other room within itself. It was filled with clothes. Mostly his that were Gucci, but some female clothing. I was shocked, then again I shouldn't be.

I looked through all the clothes in disgust. Theses were probably from previous girls he had in the past. Who knows what he probably did to them to obtain these clothes? Probably killed them off. I brushed the thought out of my mind and picked out an outfit.  I found a baby pink sweater with a black skater skirt and random underwear and bra I found. Luckily everything was washed for me to wear it. I walked out  of the changing room and into the bathroom. I laid all the clothes on the counter and stripped off the undergarments I had being completely nude and went into the tub to take a hot shower. When I turned on the hot water I sighed of relaxation. The hot water soothed the pain I had as the water trickled down my body. I used his soup and hair care products, to at least be somewhat clean. My straight hair turned into a curly bob from the water and my hair not being naturally straight. As soon I got done cleaning up, I grabbed two towels and wrapped it around my body and my hair. After dying myself off, I looked Around to see if he had any makeup or anything to cover these bruises he left me. I opened a  cabinet that on the other side of the room because of his huge mirror and it was filled with makeup. I was shocked  that he had all these products at least. Probably living with girls for so long he would know what they like to put on I'm guessing. I padded on some  foundation to cover the hickey on my neck and my bruised face. Luckily he had different types of foundation for different skin types. My skin is a brown light skin, I found a lighter shade for myself. I put on the clothes I chose. Since he had so many eyeshadows and lipsticks. I did a dark brown smocky eye with eyeliner, and put on some pink lipgloss. I put all the products away and walked over to the window. I got up and to it and tried open it.

"Fuck." I said under my breath.

"He did have everything locked but if I smash it open?" Suddenly heard the door unlock. God, it must be him. I quickly got away from the window of the bathroom,  and raced over to sit on the bed. I sat there looking around as if I didn't just do anything but change.  The door opened and V peeked his head out the door.

"Hey, my princess didn't try not to escape this time good." V smiled his box smile and walked over to me.

"The window was locked wasn't it?" He asked me.

"Oh it was? I didn't notice." I said to him stupidly. He chuckled.

"Ya ya whatever." He held his hand gesturing for me to take it. I didn't just looked at him.

"Come on, let's go downstairs."

"Okay." I simply said and walked right passed him. He grabbed my hand anyway. When we  walked downstairs I forgot how huge it was cuz I've been stuck in a room all day. I stopped and admired it a little.

"Liking it here princess?" He turned asked me.

"It's nice, but if you hadn't kidnaped me, then I would've liked it even be better V." I said as we sat down on the couch. I moved myself away from him at  the end. He scooted closer to me.

"You look amazing today." He said putting his hand on my thigh.

"Oh really?  Thanks." I said softly looking away from him.

Am I ever gonna get out of here?.....

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