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"Give us that girl Kim!" One of the men yelled out.

Men were chasing after us. I don't know who they were but they seemed like trouble.

"V! Can you please tell me what's going on!" I asked.

"No time!  We have to find a away back to my car!" He said as we ran the men were gaining on us. We ran alley way through alleyway V spotted a ladder that went up a building he decided for us to go there he made me go up first then he did.

"You can't escape us Kim Taehyung!" One of the angry men said. As we got to the top of a roof of the building there were many buildings.

"What do we do know?" I asked in panic. He turned and spotted the men running towards us. Looked at the roofs close by. He turned to me and said.

"We jump." He said. I look at him like he's crazy.

"We what!" V took some steps back and so did I. He sprinted and so do I and we both jumped off the roof landing into other roofs.
The men did the same there were three and one didn't make it. As we ran across rooftops we both ran. I stumbled as one of the roof floors was slippery. In time V grabbed me before I could fall off. He held my hand running for him to guide me. As we ran we both spotted  one huge building that had  ladder to the side of our direction. We ran over to it jump over roofs of houses and apartments. We as we made it across V made me go up first. I obeyed and climb on then he did. Once we climbed to the top of the building, we continued running.  As we both ran across the rooftop almost reaching the end of it, V grabbed me stopping me from running.  By him grabbing me forcefully into his arms we both fell on the floor. I turned to him.

"What did you do that fo-"  V cut me off.

"Take a look for yourself." I stood up and walked over. I looked down Nothing but ground below of speeding cars on highways. We could've died if we kept going. I turned back to him to stop myself from being dizzy. He smirked at me.

"You can thank me later babe." V said and winked

"I have you right where I want you." One man said and chuckled. Seeing now only one of them the rest didn't make it. looked over at V he made me stand back.  He ran at the guy and punches were being thrown.

"V!" I called out.  He got punched in the face. He then uppercut him causing him to stumble backwards. As the man was about to get up V started to kick him repeatedly. He stopped to wipe the blood off his lip. He watched the man groan in pain. He chuckled as he took something out of his pocket.

"You really thought I was that easy to take down don't you?" V said smiling. He turned to me with a serious expression.

"Zoey don't watch, cover your eyes."

"V, are you seriously going t-"

"Close your eyes!" He yelled making me jump. I covered them.

"T-taehyung plea-" V cut him off .

"It's V asshole." Then the mans begs were silenced by gunfire. Tears started forming in my eyes. He actually killed someone. I started lightly sobbing as  my knees fell to the ground. I put my head to my knees and sobbed.  I can't believe he actually just did that. I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I felt his presence as he sat down beside me. He now had his arms around me.

"It's okay Zoey." He cooed.

"Nothing about this is okay! How can be you be so calm?" I blurted out sobbing even louder.

"I did what I had to. To be safe, to protect you." V explained.  Now rubbing my back to tu to calm me down. I pushed his arms away.

"It's wasn't me they were even after for." I said to him softly.

"True, but what you don't know is that now whats after me is also after you now too." He explained. I fell silent. Is he really telling the truth?  I could here him dialing someone.

"Jimin it's me, I need you to take care of something for me." He whispered even though I could hear his conversation. After awhile of talking he finally hung up the phone.

"Get up Zoey." V ordered. I slowly got up.

"We have to go. " He said as he held his hand out for me. I took it and he lead me along. As we walked he quickly turned my head to look out to the sky.

"Don't look at that."  He said . I obeyed as he made me go down the ladder first for me not to the the mess he created. After awhile we eventually found a way down the roofs and walked silently back to his car. Now going over to where he parked the black vans were gone. We went over and got inside. He started the car and drove in silence the way back to his house.  As we walked in I walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" V asked curiously.

"To bed." I said softly.  He smiled at me.

"I'll be there in a minute. In the meantime wear some of my clothes to sleep in for the night." He said to  me as I went back upstairs. I went in his changing room and found  a white oversized shirt that was loose up to my knees. I didn't feel the need to wear pants because of the shirt was look a loose dress on me. I took off my makeup and crawled into bed.

I could hear him arguing on the phone with someone I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I decided to ignore it. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


"V, what did you do this time!" Jimin yelled through the phone.

"What! I didn't do anything the hitman were after me!" I yelled back.

V, I swear if you continue not paying back your deals more will come after you." Jimin warned. I sighed out.

"I don't care. Im not giving this girl up." I scoffed. Jimin sighed out.

"Remember you need a her  for th-"

"Yeah, yeah I know Jimin, thanks for covering me." I said to him.

"Anytime." Jimin said now yawning through the phone. I hung up and went upstairs. I went into my room seeing Zoey sleeping. I sigh of relief that she's sleeping soundly after that traumatic event I put her through as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom. I changed into just black basketball shorts and slipped into bed. I could see her flinch as I payed down next to her.  I sighed.

"I know your awake princess." I said teasing her. She didn't say anything. I slowly moved closer over to her as I wrap my arms around her waist.  She shivered by feeling of my touch. I chuckled at how cutely she reacted. We lay in silence until I finally spoke up.

"Look Zoey, I'm sorry you had to see  that." I apologized now waiting for her response.

"W-why did you do it? You just ended another human beings life." Zoey croaked out trying not to burst into tears. I kiss the top of her head and let out a yawn

"I was protecting us from being killed. Think of it this way. It could've been him or us."

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