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As I got done getting ready we were set to leave. After about twenty minutes in the road. We finally stopped by a huge building. I looked at it. Nothing suspicious looking about it surprisingly. I looked over at Jungkook and he just smiled cheekily. We both got out and he grabbed my hand as he escorted me inside. Once we got into the building there was a huge indoor field with different types of obstacle courses. There was even a target aiming and wresting ring. I looked at Jungkook who couldn't contain his excitement. We went to the front desk and he payed for both of our entry's.

Jungkook looked down at me and smiled.

"Let's have some fun." Jungkook said as he dragged me along. I looked around looking at the ppl doing different courses. Very strong men and women running around or practicing there fighting skills. I felt so out of place. Jungkook let go of my hand and went to an obstacle course. Jumping over hurtles crawling down through barbed wire. I looked at him in amazement seeing how athletic Jungkook really was. He climbed a fake mountain wall and fell into a pool of sponges. As he climbed out he ran back and swiped a drip of sweat.

"Wanna have a go at it?" Jungkook asked. I laughed awkwardly.

"I don't know. I mean everyone is so athletic here and." Jungkook cut my off.

"Didn't you climb a tree before? If that's not athletic then I don't know what is. We're have some fun try it it want be so bad let's go to this obstacle course." Jungkook said dragging me over another course. The corse had a series of bars and also surfaces to jump to platform to platform on. Also with balance beams that go for like 10 yards long. I stretch to get ready and I bolt to go. I run straight over to the platforms. I jumped from one to the other. Then I went over to the bars and started going though the monkey bars. I over over to the obstacle dodging any beams that swing over at me.
I continued on to the balance beam I quickly and carefully. Then off to the mountain wall I climbed to the very top and continued my running over to the next obstacle. Dodge ball throwing machines. Balls thrown at every directing were coming at me and I jumped ducked over every single one.  Then I slide down a pole and  as soon as I did I heard screaming.

"YEAH!" Jungkook yelled in excitement running over to me.

I waited for him as he ran over to me. As he did he ran out of breath and stopped for a bit. He want over to me and picked me up spinning me around. I laughed.

"You were amazing back there!" Jungkook complimented as he set me down. I blushed.

"It was nothing really. I said to him. He chucked. Then the room got quiet. We both looked around to see men were starring at us whispering and pointing to each other. I looked up at Jungkook as he furrowed his eyebrows. He turned back to me with a serious look on his face.

"We have to get out of here." Jungkook said. Before I could even respond he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the field I can hear a couple of foot steps behind us. Jungkook looked back for a second and yelled.


Everyone in the building stopped what they were doing and started screaming running away. People were running all different directions trying to find a way out. Jungkook saw a crowd of people and we ran towards them getting lost in the crowd. I turned and saw the men and they were lost over a sea of people tryna shoot they're way through.
Everyone was pushing there way through. We were packed together as too many people stuck together at a subway station. Looked like Jungkook couldn't take it anymore and shoved people made his way passed the exit. I looked around and worried. What the fuck is he doing.

"Jungkook." I said to him. He turned to me.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked with a concern look on his face.

"I'm fine, but should we should be going towards the exit?" I asked. Jungkook chuckled

"Do you think I don't know the place with the back of my hand? I know another exit in the back." Jungkook explained as we made our way towards a hallway.

"Do you think those guys are still after us?" I asked. Jungkook got silent for a minute then responded abruptly.

"Possibly but I don't think they'd make it to us with all of those people crushing them." Jungkook said chuckling. We made a quick turn and he let go of my hand to open the door for me.

"Come on let go, I think we've had enough fun for one day." Jungkook sighed out.

"I'm sorry." I said to him.

"It's not your fault I should've known then to bring ya out to a place like this." Jungkook admitted. He shut the door and went to the drivers seat and started the engine and we were off. As soon as we got back to the apartment Jungkook decided to go and take a shower. I turned on the TV.

"Local police stopped two armed criminals in the training field. Some say they were after a certain girl which has not been identified."

"Are they talking about me?" I thought to myself.

"The mystery behind the man shot dead in the hotel  has not been solved. The police are in search for the killer. For now everyone that's in a hotel make sure to keep your doors locked and be safe. This is Clair on 49 news signing out."

"We need to be more careful next time." Said someone walking in. I turned.

"I'm sorry for today. I wanted it to be different for you a bit more fun than staying in a house all day." Jungkook said sadly. I chucked at his actions.

"No don't be. Today was fun and I'm glad I spent it with you." I said to him giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and walked over to the sofa and sat next to me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. I nodded he changed it to Netflix and we watched a movie till we both fell asleep.

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