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The next morning I decided to make some breakfast since Jungkook was still asleep. Might as well get on his good side since I'm there. After I got done he stepped out. Rubbing his eyes. He looked over at the dinning room table surprised.

"Since you've been so nice. I decided to be nice back and make us some breakfast." I said and smiled at him as I poured some orange juice into his cup. He looked at me with an expression that I couldn't tell of.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth." Jungkook said quickly as he quickly went back into the rooms. I looked at him weirdly. Looks like he isn't used being nice. I sat down and started eating then not long after I was done Jungkook walked in and sat down.  He looked at his plate of food then looked at me.

"My treat." I said and smiled at him. He started eating. Since I got done I put my dishes away and started washing them. After that I was went to the bathroom and as I did I heard Jungnkooks phone go off. After I got done with my shower and started changing. I heard shouting from the dining room.

"YOU KNOW I CANT GO TO THAT?!" Junkook yelled. I went over to the door to hear.

"My assignment is to just to take care o-" He got cut off by the other person on the phone.

"But this your meeting, I can't just go in there with he-" Jungkook sighed.

"Ok fine we'll go." Jungkook said as he hung up and walked over to the bed room. I grabbed the nearest towel to start drying me hair. The door flung open.

"Get ready we're going out." Jungkook said going to the bathroom

"Our? Where?" I questioned.

"Still asking so many damn questions again are we?" Jungkook mocked and slammed the bathroom shut. I sighed out. So much for him being nice. After Jungkook got ready. He grabbed his car keys and some sunglasses and we both headed out the door. As we both got out of the room and he locked it he quickly grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands and I looked back at him. He looked away from me and started dragging me.

"D-don't get the wrong idea. Can't have you running off now do we?" He said looking away from me. I rolled my eyes and walked in the same pace as him so he wouldn't drag me. We made it to the hotel elevator. I looked around at the places he slammed me against in this elevator. It terrified me on what Jungkook is actually capable of especially after what Jhope said to me.


"Funny seeing that from the strongest member of our  group but also being the youngest. He can't handle girls. By  seeing your cheek, that proves it."


I looked down at our hands, they were still intertwined. I looked at him but Jungkook wasn't facing me. Once he looked down after three minutes and realized,  he let go of my hand and we both stood away from each other  all the way to the first floor. Once we were st the first floor.  He took went through his butt pocket and handed me his shades. I looked at him.

"Put these on." He ordered. I obeyed and put on the shades he grabbed my hand again. He turned to me and said.

"Act like we are a couple laughing about something." He whispered as he looked at the hotel staff. I giggled and slapped him playfully holding on to his arm. Jungkook smiled at me and laughed as we both walked out of the building.  He turned to me.

"Why did you slap me?" He asked.

"Playful banter now suck it up." I teased lightly punching his shoulder. He huffed out and dragged me over to his  car. I wasn't even going to ask him where we are going because that's out of the question.  I wasn't complaining either. It's  been like 4 days of me  not being able to go outside. It's nice to look out and see people, the trees, and just the outside in general. To bad I had to be around him but better than nothing I was outside. Jungkook parked the car next to a building. We ended up at a mall. I looked at him as he went over and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and we both walked in I actually couldn't contain my excitement. What? I'm a teenage girl that going into a mall what do you expect. I haven't been to a mall in like months. I smiled brightly as we walked in. Lots of people were walking around talking amongst themselves. Finally a place that has other people in it. I looked around in awe. Jungkook looked at me weirdly.

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