Dapper's Secret

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TW// Mentions of drug overdose.

A couple weeks later, things were back to false normal. Bad pretended everything was okay, and Dapper acted out whenever Skeppy spoke. But, that's how things were for the longest time anyway.

Bad packed lunch for Dapper and Pomme while in his scrubs. He had a shift in twenty minutes, but didn't trust Skeppy to make lunch for Dapper. Although he would have to trust Skeppy to drive both Dapper and Pomme to school.

Bad set the lunchboxes neatly next to their matching backpacks. He found himself playing with the keychain on Pomme's bag. It was in the shape of a bear, filled with water and glitter. "I'm sorry." He whispered to the keychain because he couldn't say it to Pomme.

Skeppy walked in and stretched. He had messy hair and the sweetest sleepy eyes. "Morning, when are you leaving?"

"Now, in a minute." Bad walked over and ran a hand through Skeppy's hair. "You look like a tornado scooped you up in your sleep."

"Well, we can't all be as perfect as you." Skeppy rolled his eyes and trapped Bad in a hug. "Have a good day at work, love."

Bad breathed deeply. Sometimes he wished Skeppy would slap him across the face. Something to help him understand what was happening. Were they surviving or thriving?


Bad was alone in an office, going over a patient's records while waiting for them to come back from the lab, where they were having blood taken. He heard the intercom requesting Forever, but didn't look up. Until he realized Forever was sent to the office he was in. He didn't request assistance.

Forever came into the room and looked at Bad like he was just as clueless. "I need to take over your patient."

"What? Why?"

"All I was told was to take over for you, and send you to ICU."

Bad handed over the patient file. "Just– just read that, The patient is lightheaded and– and you'll figure it out." Bad skipped giving the patient rundown so he could run down to the ICU. Parental instincts were on high as he turned the corner and saw Cellbit standing by Skeppy. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I found Dapper unconscious in his room." Skeppy ran to Bad and wrapped his arms around him. He was crying genuine tears. Bad had learned the difference between real tears and bratty tears.

"Well something had to of happened!" Bad squeezed Skeppy and looked at Cellbit. "Where is he?"

"You can't see him right now." Cellbit said gently.

"Did you bring him in?"

Cellbit nodded.

Bad grabbed Cellbit and Skeppy and dragged them into a private room. "What happened to my baby, tell me whatever you know!" Bad wasn't crying yet, but there was strong emotion showing on his face.

"I uh..." Cellbit sighed and eyed Skeppy, who he already spoke to about this. "Don't freak out, I'm not Even supposed to tell you this. But it seemed to be a drug overdose."

"Dapper has never!" Bad now looked angry at Cellbit for suggesting his son was into drugs.

"Yes, he has." Skeppy sniffled.


Skeppy wiped his eyes and sighed. "I caught him once, but I never told you."

"What?!" Bad ran his hands through his hair as a stress response. "You tell me every time Dapper sneezes for hell's sake, Skeppy! But you wouldn't tell me he's taking drugs?!"

"Kids are going to do what they want, I mean... remember us in highschool?"

Bad growled and rubbed his face. "I can't be in a room with you, you're crazy! If anything happens to our son, I hope it kills you inside!" Bad left the room in a firey rage.

Cellbit cleared his throat awkwardly. "I have to go be prepared for any incoming emergencies. You can stay in here for a few minutes if you need to cool down."

Skeppy sat down on a small plastic chair in the corner and held his face in his hands.

Cellbit felt bad leaving him there, or leaving Bad out in the hall. But, he had his own responsibilities.


Bad was still in the hospital that night. Although he was much calmer now that he knew Dapper was going to be okay.

He walked to the cafeteria and got a small cup of apple juice. On his way out he bumped into an exciting face. "You're still here?"

Forever laughed. "Yes, Working overtime but by accident. I'm soon leaving, You're still here though?"


"Is everything okay?"

"My son–um..."

"It's okay if it's personal." Forever put a hand on Bad's shoulder. "Kids, they get themselves in horrible situations sometimes..."

Bad nodded and took a deep breath. "I just wish Skeppy would've told me..."

Forever looked around, the cafeteria was empty besides one cafeteria staff member. He sat down at a table and patted the seat beside himself. "Here, take a seat."

Bad sat down slowly. "I need to bring Dapper his juice."

"Just sit for a second, my friend." Forever leaned both of his elbows on the table, ready to listen. "Are you okay?"

"No, no it's not okay." Bad's eyes watered. He has needed to cry for hours but couldn't. He had to be strong for his family, but Forever wasn't family.

Forever nodded slowly. "Is your son going to be okay?"

Bad nodded and inhaled deeply. "Yes, but he has to stay overnight."

"That's not good, I'm sorry." Forever moved closer and rested a hand on Bad's back. "Is your husband here?"

"No, he went home to be with Pomme." Bad knew Skeppy needed to be with Pomme, but he wanted comfort too. It seemed his only option was Forever. "I'm so scared...you think you can trust your kids– and they...they break your heart."

Forever rubbed Bad's back gently. "It's okay, just feel your feelings. It'll be easier if you get it all out now."

Bad looked at Forever and raised an eyebrow. Forever must've worked at a children's hospital before, because he had the softness of a nurturer. Or maybe Forever did have a kid he was hiding.

Bad folded his arms on the table and laid his head down. He started crying, not even noticing as Forever moved closer and moved some hair out of his face. Allowing him to be more comfortable as he cried.

"That's it, let it out."

Forever stayed with Bad until he finished crying. Then he walked him back up to Dapper's room. He even lingered for a few extra minutes to make sure Bad was going to be okay for the rest of the night.

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