Into The Crazy

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TW// Mentions of child abuse

The girls all made themselves semi-comfortable in Pomme's bedroom. Pomme and Tallulah shared the bed, while Jauna preferred a little spot on the floor.

"I want to go home so bad." Tallulah shifted around, trying to get comfortable.

"You'll get home soon, we just need to trust my dad." Pomme made herself as comfortable as she could.

"I'll never be home." Jauna spoke up. "I'm an orphan."

"We'll figure it out..." Tallulah yawned. "Maybe you can come stay with me."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Jauna rolled over on the floor to face the bed. "Your family might ask too many questions."

"Maybe you can stay here." Pomme offered. "We just need to stay calm and let everything fall into place. I mean, things are already getting better. We have warm blankets and a bed."

"Speak for yourself." Jauna grumbled.

Tallulah looked over the side of the bed. "You can join us, dumbass."

"No, I feel better here." Jauna settled for the floor.

The girls settled down and fell asleep from pure anxiety exhaustion, but Bad stayed awake to bicker.

"You're crazy, you're crazy!" Forever paced around Bad's bedroom. "It doesn't matter if you killed him or not, you are helping!"

"Wouldn't you do anything for your kid?!"

"Anything?! No, not anything. Most of the things, yes. But not this!" Forever pulled at the skin around his eyes. "Oi, I can't believe you're this fucking crazy."


"Language? there's a dead body in your bathtub!"

"Forever, please." Bad pouted like a little guy. "Pomme and Tallulah are innocent. I don't want them to go to juvenile facilities."

"They are accomplices! And how about the other one? Jauna?"

"Well...look, she was being abused. You don't think abusers should be dead?"

Forever sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Bad, this is...this is too much. I can't help you. You need to go to a facility yourself."

"Please." Bad pleaded. He approached Forever and sat beside him. Giving him the glossiest stare he could possibly manage. "I trust you, and I really need your help. I'm not crazy, I just love my kids. Wouldn't you bury a body if it meant saving your son from a painful future?"

Forever silently thought about it and sighed in defeat. "O-okay. I'll help you on one condition."


"When this is over, you get a mental check. I don't think you should be in the medical field if you're so...weird."

Bad rolled his eyes. "Okay."

"Okay–" There was a loud thumping coming from underneath the floor. "What is that?"

"Dapper's locked in the basement."


"You already agreed to help me!" Bad grabbed Forever's hands. "Come on, muffin. We've got work to do."

Forever knew the world was full of secretly insane people. He just didn't expect Bad to be one. And he certainly didn't expect himself to be into it. "F-fine. What do we do first?"

"We aquire a surgical saw..."

Forever nodded nervously. Trying not to think about it too much. "When's your next shift?"

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