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Forever was asleep in his bed when the phone rang. He ignored it at first, but answered it angrily when it didn't stop. "o que?!"

"F-Forever I need you to come to my house. Now. Now. It's urgent."

Forever rubbed his forehead and groaned. "Bad, can it wait? I'm so tired. Okay?"

"I need you, Forever. It's serious, please."

Forever could tell by Bad's voice that there was genuine urgency. "What's going on? Is everyone okay?"

"Sort of, just please–"

"Okay, I'm coming. What should I expect?"

"Think of the craziest possibility and times it by 5."



Forever went to Bad's house but parked a block away. He entered through the backdoor quietly, having wild thoughts. There was only two options in Forever's head. A crime was committed, or it was a sneaky hookup. "Bad! I'm here, where are you?"

"Living room!" Bad called.

Forever held his breath and stepped into the living room. He exhaled with a gasp. Three teenage girls sat on Bad's couch. Despite their recent washes, they looked stained. Traumatized indefinitely. "Oh" His eyes landed on the blonde girl. She matched the description he was given of Pomme. Although she didn't look like the photos he was shown. She looked like a ghostly version of herself. Haunted by whatever it was she did. "Pomme?"

"Look, there's a lot to take in." Bad grabbed Forever's arm and dragged him into the hall for more privacy. "I'm really putting all my trust in you. I need you to swear to secrecy."

"Hold on, what happened?" Forever looked around for clues. "Is that Pomme? The other missing girls?"

" swear to secrecy."

"What secret?!" Forever groaned. "Bad, tell me the fucking secret. You're freaking me out, man!"

Bad glared. "I can't tell you unless you promise to keep it together. Don't tell anyone."

"Oh my god, alright. Tell me what happened."

"You won't tell anyone?"

"I will not tell anyone." Forever said with weak honesty. He wasn't sure if he could keep the secret or not. But it seemed to be good enough for Bad.

Bad sighed in relief and pulled Forever to the bathroom. "Are you sqeemish?"

"Uh, what?"

"Do horror movies scare you?"

"Oh, no?"

Bad opened the bathroom door and started nervously cracking his knuckles. "This...This is what was keeping them away. Trying to deal with this."

Forever looked in, but the smell hit him first. Once he saw what was in the bathtub, he started to gag. Then he wheezed and coughed until he was throwing up on Bad's floor.

Bad sighed. "No one ever means it when they say they aren't sqeemish..."


Bad returned to the group of girls. "New problem, Forever fainted."

"I said we should of just stuck to ourselves!" Pomme groaned. "Now we have an emotionally scarred man in the house."

"I can't possibly dismember the body by myself. Plus, he has so much muscle." Bad shook his head. "But I guess he won't be much help if he can't handle the sight."

"We're going to get caught!" Pomme whined.

"Shh, no." Bad sat by his daughter and held her hands. "We're going to clean this up, and it's going to be okay."

"I want to call dad..." Pomme sniffled and leaned into Bad.

"We can't yet, he will be a snitch for sure."

"I want to go home." Tallulah spoke softly, her voice almost gone from crying.

"I know, but we have to get rid of Mariana first."


"Do you all remember the story."

Jauna recited the practiced story. "My dad Charlie was cheating. My other dad killed him. Unaware that we were in the house, he tried to clean up the mess. Then he heard us and panicked. He kidnapped us and ran. But when the story started getting lots of heat, he panicked again. He dropped us off out in the woods, hoping we would die before we got back. We found our way out and came to you for immediate help." Jauna took a deep breath because that was a lot to spit out.

"Yes, you all have to remember that. When the police question you, you have to match up. If this goes well they will think Mariana is on the run."

"Dad, this is crazy..." Pomme whispered.

"This is crazy? This is cleanup. You know if you make a mess, you have to clean it up." Bad ran a hand through her semi-brushed hair.

"I know, but I'm scared."

"You don't need to be scared." Bad kissed the top of her head. "I don't blame any of you girls for what happened. I'm just glad you're back and alive."

"I think Forever is waking up." Jauna heard a thud from in the hall.

"Oh, good." Bad ran into the hall. He kneeled down beside Forever and helped him sit up. "Are you okay? I caught you, but it was still rough to set you down."

Forever groaned and rubbed his forehead. "What happen?"

"You fainted." Bad patted one of his cheeks. "I need you to snap back. The girl's did a horrible job trying to bury Mariana. I did the hard part of getting him here, I need your help getting rid of him for good."

Forever's glazed eyes looked at Bad like he was speaking a language he didn't understand. "What? What the hell are you saying?"

Bad sighed and helped Forever lean against the wall. "You must've hit your head."

"I'm so confused. What the fuck is going on?!" Forever started to get agitated and anxious.

"Hey, language." Bad tried to calm him down with some reassuring shoulder rubs. "Everything's fine. Want to lay down in my bed for a bit?"

Forever rubbed his face. "I'm so tired."

"I know." Bad helped Forever get to his feet. "When you feel better, we'll deal with the thing."

The kids waited for Bad to return.

"I didn't know your dad was this crazy." Tallulah nudged Pomme.

"Me neither, really...but he'd do anything for me and Dapper."

"He locked Dapper in the basement." Jauna laughed.

"For his own good. He would've felt guilty and called the police."

"You know...I think we could actually get away with this." Jauna said, satisfied.

"Are you kidding me? With another witness here there's a good chance we're going to jail!" Tallulah huffed.

"My dad trusts Forever...maybe it'll be okay. After all, this whole thing was for self-defense."

St. Cucurocho's {Skephalo/4halo AU} COMPLETE (mess)Where stories live. Discover now