Getting Away With It

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When Bad and Forever checked out together, Baghera noticed.

"Are you both on your way out?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, we are." Bad nodded, knowing he had a stolen object tucked dangerously close to his body. Hiding a surgical saw in your jacket is a risky move.

"Forever, I was wondering if you'd be free tonight." Baghera grinned, knowing what she was doing.

"Er, no..." Forever cleared his throat. "I'll be at Bad's place tonight."

"Ooh, okay." Baghera hid her growing smirk. "Well, I hope you two have a good night~"

"We will." Forever huffed. He wished it was what Baghera thought it was. He didn't want to deal with a dead body.


When they got to Bad's house, they sat in the car in the driveway. Neither of them wanted to go in. They didn't want to face the reality.

"Bad, we need to talk." Forever rested a hand on Bad's shoulder. He tried to be as real and genuine as he could. But it was hard, given the delusional circumstance. "I can't help you do this, you know..."

"I'll do it by myself then." Bad was still determined.

"When this is done..." Forever started. "Once you've got rid of the evidence, after you've cut up a body. When everything is over. The adrenaline is going to go...and Bad, you're going to have to suffer for the rest of your life." Forever rubbed his shoulder. "I care about you, yeah? So...I don't want you to go to jail know, you understand. It's the right thing. To confess."

"Forever, I can't." Bad's voice shivered. "My kids...they need me. I need them."

"You'll have no love left to offer when you're suffering. And your kids are already traumatized."

"I can't..." Bad shook his head. "I have to do what I have to do."

Forever sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Bad, I'll never be okay again if I let you do this. Be honest. You say the girl was being abused? Fine. She'll still have consequences, but it will be easier."

"I don't know if I'll make it in prison..." Bad fidgeted with his hands. "I'm not crazy, I'm not violent. I swear."

"I know." Forever ran a hand through Bad's hair. When his hand got caught in the tangles, he cringed. "That's why I know you'll do the right thing, yeah?"


"Yeah, let's go." Forever smiled and leaned in. It might be selfish but if Bad was in jail, he wouldn't be touchable. "But first, I really want to kiss you. Can I?"

"Uh!" Bad yelped. "No one has ever asked before doing it."

"I wouldn't ask, but you give off very mixed singles. I don't know if you're comfy or not." Forever blinked slowly. "Can I or not? This is getting awkward."

Bad quickly leaned in and gave Forever what he wanted. It was quick but sweet. It left them both awkwardly smiling.


Forever had left the scene with a good feeling and Bad's promise to call the police. He didn't want to be immediately involved. After all, he hadn't done anything illegal, not directly.

But the next night he got a call that he was not expecting. He was gullible.

"Forever, Everything is going to be okay." Bad started.

"You didn't call the police, did you?"

"I couldn't..." Bad sighed sadly. "But it's all okay now, so don't worry. It's all done. The kids helped me bleach the entire house."

"Oh my!" Forever gripped his hair and groaned. "You're crazy! You're fucking crazy!"

"And you kissed me last night. Funny thing, right? I'm crazy, and you like it." Bad cleared his throat. "And I was with you all night, right?"

Forever whined in defeat. Due to his lack of love as a child, he adored anyone that was broken. Anyone that he could try to fix. "Alright..."

"I'm going to call Phil about Tallulah. I'll say they just showed up at my house." Bad rehearsed his lie. "When this is all over, I'd like to see you again."

"Okay." Forever agreed. "I have to go." He hung up and threw his phone down. He contemplated calling the police, but couldn't do it. Instead he waited around for another call from Bad.


Phil and Wilbur ran through the door without knocking and removing their dirty shoes. They didn't have to go far though, because Tallulah ran to meet them.

"Papa! Abuelito!" She hugged them both at the same time, and they did their best to hug back without crushing her.

"Tallulah, my sweet girl!" Wilbur kissed her head. He was crying, one of those choked cries that sounded like he couldn't breath. "You're safe, fuck–"

Phil pressed his face into her shoulder. "Jesus Christ– We were so worried!"

Bad had his arm tightly around Pomme. It was easy to express his excitement. "Our babies are back."

"What happened, Tallulah?" Wilbur coughed, trying not to be consumed by tears.

"I-I..." Tallulah looked at Bad. Like part of her wanted to tell everything. Including Bad's body mutilation. "I'm really overwhelmed...can we go home?"

"Of course, Lulah." Phil squeezed her. "Take your time, tell us what you can on the way home. But if it's too hard to talk about, we're just glad you're home."

Tallulah left holding her dad's hand. And holding the secrets she had to keep.

"I hope this goes well..." Pomme looked at Bad.

"Everything's going to be okay now." Bad hugged her. "It's almost over, it's okay." Bad looked over Pomme's shoulder to see Jauna. She sat on the couch alone, no one was waiting for her to come home. "Jauna?"


Bad walked over to the couch and sat down. "It would be suspicious if I didn't tell the police you all were found..."

"I think you could handle it, you lie well." Jauna shrugged.

"I know I can get away with it. But... They're probably going to take you away from here. If you don't have any family, you'll be in foster care."

"I know..."

"But if there's a way...would you want to stay here with us?"

Jauna shook her head. "I don't want to be anywhere."

Bad put a hand on her shoulder. "You didn't do anything wrong. Your parents were mature enough to know what they were doing was wrong. You retaliated."

Jauna rocked nervously. "I know, but they loved me once. I hated them so much for what they did– but I hated them because I used to love them."

Bad stood up as Dapper entered the room.

"Skeppy is calling me. He wants you to answer his calls."

Pomme lit up. "Can I talk to dad yet?"

Bad thought about it. "We will call the police first...and when that's settled, we'll call dad. Did you tell him anything, Dapper?"

"I just said you were really busy with work."

"Good." Bad approved. "I can't believe we're going to get away with this.'

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