Another Get Together

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Dapper was home after a couple days, finally. He sat in the living room watching a movie with Pomme. They were being pretty quiet, except when they were throwing popcorn at each other.

"We should start having talks with them." Bad said quietly at the kitchen table. He was stirring his tea and watching Skeppy eat a muffin.

"Shouldn't the school be educating them?"

"Who knows how adequate it is. It's our job as parents to educate them too."

"Okay, okay..." Skeppy said with his mouth full. He swallowed. "We'll split the task."

"Thank you." Bad sighed in relief.

"I'll do the anti-drug conversation." He decided. "And you, you can do the safe sex talk."

Bad froze and slowly pulled the spoon out of the tea. "Hold on now... that's–"

"You said it's important."

"I mean– yeah– but–."

"Do you want to be a grandfather within the next couple years?"

"Oh god, no."

"Exactly." Skeppy nodded. "So go tell our kids about condoms."

"Skeppy! They probably already know about that stuff."

"Apparently they know about drugs too." Skeppy tilted his head. "So, is it important or not?"

"Dads." Pomme entered the kitchen.

Bad had never been so glad to see his daughter. "Yeah, Pomme?"

"Can I have a sleepover with Tallulah this weekend?"

Bad looked at Skeppy, Skeppy shrugged. Bad was the responsible one, he made decisions.

"At her house?"


"Okay, as long as you're good until then."

Pomme walked over and gave Bad a hug. It wasn't unlike Pomme to be sweet, even for a teenager. But it seemed strange for her to hug without being prompted.

"What's the hug for?" Bad asked, hugging her tightly in response.

"Mn, dunno." Pomme let go.

Skeppy stood up. "What about me, Pomme?"

Pomme laughed and shook her head. "Not for you, sorry!"

"Hey!" Skeppy walked over and playfully pulled her into a hug anyway.

"Gah! Let me go!" Pomme wailed but she didn't try to get free. She didn't actually mind the hug.

Skeppy squeezed her until her eyes nearly popped out. "You're so cute."

"I can't breathe!" Pomme gasped.

Skeppy let go and ruffled her almost-white blonde hair. "Sorry, kiddo."

Bad smiled, seeing Skeppy so bonded with his daughter. Then he frowned, knowing Skeppy wasn't bonded with Dapper. Dapper was theirs. Where did it go wrong? Why doesn't Skeppy feel the same about Dapper?

Dapper started coughing and Skeppy went in the living room to check on him. Bad took another sigh of relief. Skeppy might not adore Dapper like he does Pomme. But, he has some care for Dapper.

Bad and Pomme went into the living room together. "Dappy, are you okay?" Pomme worried.

"I'm–okay." Dapper said between coughs.

"You should go to bed." Bad suggested. "I'll bring you some tea."


"What happened to you?" Bad asked Forever as he walked into the main staff room. Forever's hair was in messy strings, as if portions of the braid had been yanked to death. He was pressing an ice pack to his face.

"A toddler from hell."

"Oh my gosh." Bad tried not to laugh, because it really wasn't funny. But a toddler beating up a grown man– okay, it was a little funny. He did feel sorry though. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, man. I'm fine." Forever pulled the icepack away. "Am I having a bruise?"

Bad got close and inspected Forever's face, his eyes drifting to his jawline by accident. "A bruise is coming out for sure."

"Perfect..." Forever groaned. "I hope you're having a better day than me."

"So far it's been okay." Bad started making himself a quick coffee, because his break was only going to be brief.

"How's Dapper today?"

"He was okay when I left. Skeppy is in charge of keeping him alive while I work." Bad felt a pang of anxiety as he said that. Then he told himself that his cheating husband would never let their kid die. He'd tongue someone else, but he wasn't a child murderer.

"I hope everything goes well then for you both and your children."

" flowers today?" Bad asked jokingly.

Forever laughed tiredly. "Ah, no. Sorry, forgot because I'm so tired. You know?"

"Oh wow, I'm forgettable." Bad finished making his coffee and forced down a sip that felt like hellfire and tasted like dirt.

"No, no." Forever shook his head. "Hey, Bad, I actually have a question for you."


"Do you work this weekend?"

"I think I'm off on Friday? But I have to take Pomme to a dentist appointment."

"Oh, perfect! I'm off Friday evening. Would you like to get together again?"

"Oh, um..." Bad did have a decent amount of fun the last time. It was nice to joke around and share stories instead of playing a back and forth game with Skeppy.

Does he love me? Does he love me not?

Bad had no idea.

"I think that might be nice." Bad shrugged and gave a little smile. "I will let you know."

"Awesome, I will wait for the news. You can text me, remember. You have my number from the other time."

"Yeah, I'll text you."


Pomme set down a bag by the front door. "I think I'm ready now!"

Bad walked into the kitchen, nicely dressed again. "We'll leave in a minute, Pomme." He walked over to Skeppy at the table, and kissed him to get his attention. "Dapper is in his room, asleep. Please remember to keep checking on him."

"I will, don't worry."

Bad almost added 'and don't cheat on me.' But he figured saying that wouldn't stop it if it was going to happen.

"Have a good sleepover, Pomme." Skeppy paused. "And Bad, don't you get too wild tonight." He said sarcastically. In his head, Bad was having the most boring meetup with friends. He pictured them all drinking relaxing teas together, and talking about patients.

"Same to you, be good." Bad kissed him one more time before collecting his keys, and walking out the door. Not aware that tonight was going to change things forever.

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