Looking For Pomme

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Forever was reading a medical study that night when he got the call. He put aside the book and checked the caller ID. His face lit up as he answered. "Dr. Halo~ hello!"

"Hi, I have to ask a huge favor." Bad didn't hide his distress in his tone.

"What's the problem?" Forever frowned.

"I can't find my daughter, Pomme. I'm trying to get some backup. I'll have better luck if multiple people are searching."

"What? What is happening, Bad? She's missing?"

"She went to a friend's house for a sleepover and ended up going elsewhere. She was supposed to be home by now but now it's getting late–" Bad's voice hitched and whined. "It's too late, she's not answering her phone. I shouldn't jump to worst case, but I'm so scared!" He rambled on. Taking a take breath as Skeppy squeezed his free hand.

"Calm, take a deep breath." Forever stood up. "Where are you? I'm coming, no worries."

"I made a group chat, I'll add you to it. My address is there and all the information you need."

Forever suddenly felt less special. Bad wasn't running exclusively to him. There were others. "Of course, of course." In the back of his mind he thought Bad was being overdramatic. He was acting like they were in a horror movie. Forever figured Pomme ran off with some boy, some girl, just someone in general. Probably to smoke weed or experiment with kissing. Yet, he was going to help Bad. He could tell this was very important to him.

Pomme Search

Pinned message:
Bad: 14 Dragon Drive.
Pomme was supposed to be with Tallulah Soot. They were brought to 13 Capybara Avenue. No one has been home, no lights on. We questioned the neighbors, they said they didn't know where they were. The girl that lives there is Jauna. The neighbors didn't give a last name. I think that girl has been in the ER for severe cuts and bruises. My child is at the will of child abusers. Check anywhere sketchy. Question anyone. I don't give a damn what you have to do.

Forever: Holy shit! Why didn't you say it was this serious on the phone?!

Baghera: I'm driving by your place. Meet me at the gas station. Forever.

Skeppy: Did you find anything?

Baghera: Not really, but I found something maybe sketchy.

Skeppy: what?

Baghera: A truck pulled off behind a Walmart. Like, by the dumpsters. Did the neighbors mention a type of vehicle?

Bad: They said it's a green car. They couldn't specify.

Baghera: Okay so it's nothing then

Bagi: The police have someone surrounded down by the old mall. I can't see the car but it looks like a big thing.

Bad: On our way.

Forever: Me and Baghera are a bit far, but we're heading there too.


A whole army showed up outside the old mall. Enough of them to catch the police attention. A tall muscular looking man with no smile lines approached them. "Can I help you folks?"

"We're looking for a missing kid." Bagi responded so the horrified parents wouldn't need to speak.

"A missing kid?" The officer's face seemed to soften. He no doubt had kids of his own. "By what name?"

"Pomme Halo." Bagi nodded towards Bad and Skeppy. "Her parents and us are trying to find her. She should of been home hours ago."

"Has this been reported?"

Bagi looked to Bad and Skeppy, uncertain.

"I called, they told me to wait 48 hours." Bad spoke with a shiver.

"How old is she?"


The officer looked a bit perplexed. "Well, if they said to wait 48 hours they probably know more than me." He looked around at the group. "I'd say keep looking yourselves, teens run around all the time. Now, I need you to head off."

"We just wanted confirmation that whatever is going on here isn't related." Bagi pleaded. "Please just give us that."

"This is a robbery situation, no kids in the car. I think you're good."

"What color is the car?" Bad added hastily.


"Okay..." Bad squeezed Skeppy's hand and everyone started walking back to their cars.

Pomme Search

Bad: Don't bother to come. We checked it out, not related.

Baghera: Anywhere we should go?

Bad: I don't know. I honestly don't know.

Forever: We will find her, don't worry. We are not stopping until we do.


By 2:00 AM, people needed to go home. Foolish had to make sure Leo was in bed. Bagi had work in a few hours. Baghera was nearly falling asleep behind the wheel. The only one that followed Bad and Skeppy home, was Forever.

Forever took the keys from Bad and unlocked the front door. So Bad and Skeppy could just hold each other as they walked into the house. He even shut the door and asked if there was anything he should do for them.

Dapper came down the hall. His heart dropped out when he didn't see Pomme with them. Just some stranger. "Pomme didn't come home, you didn't find her?"

Skeppy shook his head, letting Bad cry into his shoulder. "Are you sure Pomme didn't mention anything to you? Anything at all about what she might be doing?" Skeppy was tearing up now that there were less people to see.

Dapper shook his head. "I swear. In this situation if I knew something, I'd share it." He looked at Forever. "Hello?" It took him a second to remember Forever from the hospital. In his defense he was out of himself then.

"Hi Dapper, how do you feel?"

Dapper cringed at the question but understood he was just trying to be less awkward. "I've been better."

"Yeah..." forever cleared his throat. "Maybe we should call the police again. It's been long enough. She's a young girl. With dangerous people."

"I'll call them." Skeppy Announced and moved into the kitchen for quietness.

Bad sat on the couch and sobbed. He didn't budge when Forever sat next to him, putting a hand on his back. "Forever, what do I do? My baby could be in danger."

"We're going to figure it out, okay? You should close your eyes for a little rest."

Bad sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. He had no intentions to sleep. "I can't rest until my little girl is home."

"I understand..." Forever rubbed his back soothingly. It was a friendly gesture, because Forever genuinely cared. Whether he had a romantic chance with Bad or not.

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