Skeppy's Home

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Reminder: If I mess up any of the languages, let me know! I haven't opened my Duolingo app in months.

Bad had been deep cleaning the house all night. He woke up late. He dragged himself to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He wasn't surprised to see Dapper home from school. He hardly enforced attendance now. He'd rather the kids stay home when they were overwhelmed. If they went to school and broke down, he feared someone would find out what happened.

Dapper was accompanied by Jauna, who was sitting across from him with a slice of plain bread. She ate it just as it was. It showed what sort of life she lived before the murders.

"Deberíamos intentarlo." We should try.

"Sí bien." Jauna agreed.

Bad narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously. "Why are you two speaking Spanish?"

"Because I know Spanish, and Jauna is half Mexican. You told us to make her feel comfortable." Dapper said smartly.

"Mn...what are you two talking about?"

"Nothing." Dapper shrugged. "Just about random things. Can me and Jauna go to the park today?"

"You know Jauna can't..." Bad looked at the pitiful girl. "I'm sorry, but it's not really safe. Not yet, the case is too active and too fresh."

"Aw, okay." Dapper nodded. "Could we just hang out outside in the garden?"

"We have nosy neighbors, Dapper." Bad crossed his arms. "Why do you want to go outside so bad?"

"I feel like I'm suffocating." Jauna finished the bread she was eating and eyed the loaf that was on the counter.

"I understand, but it's not a good time. Skeppy will be home this evening. He's already a little freaked out that I kind of adopted you." Bad put the loaf on the table. "You can have more bread."

"Thank you." Jauna took another slice.

"We have jam and butter. Whatever you like."

"No, Está bien."

"Okay..." Bad softened his face. "As soon as it's okay for you to go outside, I'll arrange something."


Bad got his coffee and went to his office to answer emails and pretend to be productive.

"deberíamos escabullirnos." We should sneak out. Jauna suggested.

"No aún no." No, not yet.

Jauna took a deep breath. "Realmente extraño a Tilín." I really miss Tilín.

"Esto lo solucionaremos." We will solve this. "Quiero ayudarte." I want to help you. Dapper started coming up with a plan. "Skeppy distraerá a mi papá. Entonces podremos llevarte a Tilín." Skeppy will distract my dad, then we can get you to Tilín. Dapper didn't particularly like Jauna, even now it weirded him out that she ate plain bread. Yet, he felt intense second hand guilt. If he didn't do something nice for her, it might kill him. He had to do anything to feel less guilty for not going to the police about what his dad did. Jauna might've been a murderer, but Dapper could start to understand why she killed. It was Bad that was enabling Jauna to continue to suffer in her own retaliation. This girl needed therapy, discipline. Not isolation in a house of semi-strangers. She was doomed to never recover from being a murderer. And all Dapper could offer was sneaking her out to meet some girl that Jauna is apparently in love with.

"Bueno...Gracias por su ayuda." Good...thank you for your help.


"Daddy!" Pomme ran to Skeppy like she was a little girl again. And no one made a weird comment because the word daddy shouldn't of been sexualized in the first place.

"Pomme!" Skeppy dropped the backpack he was carrying. He hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. "My baby, you're okay!"

Pomme shoved her face into Skeppy's shoulder and had no plans of letting go.

Bad watched and for the first time, he noticed that Pomme preferred Skeppy. Much like Dapper preferred Bad. He stood quietly, waiting for Skeppy to notice him.

"I thought you were gone forever." Skeppy squeezed her, not planning on letting go either. "But my strong girl survived. I'm so proud of you, you're so brave." Skeppy praised her.

"She really is a sturdy muffin..." Bad chimed in. Subconsciously wanting Skeppy's affection as well.

"Would it be okay if I have some time alone with Pomme?" Skeppy asked.

"What for?"

"I just want to cry and be with her. I have to process this."

Bad turned and walked down the hall. He stopped at the two voices coming from Dapper's room. He opened the door suspiciously. "What's going on in here?"

"We're hanging out?" Dapper looked up from the beanbag he was sitting on. Jauna was on the floor across from him.

"Okay, but you know the rules. No girls in your room unless the door is open."

Dapper scrunched his nose in disgust. "I'm not having sex with Jauna."


"You implied it!"

"Your dad is here, you should go say hello."

"I doubt he even knows I exist. All he sees is Pomme." Dapper turned back to Jauna. "Can I tell him the thing so he leaves us alone?"


Dapper looked back at Bad. "If you're going to be nosy, fine. Jauna is trans, and on top of that she has a girlfriend. I'm not interested in her romantically, we're being friendly. Now go worry about who Skeppy is having sex with."

Bad flushed. It was unusual for Dapper to be so aggressively bold. Sure he was a little mouthy, but there was something new in his tone. "Watch your language. Come say hello to dad." Bad shut the door and walked back to the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Skeppy noticed the familiar frustration on Bad's face.

"Dapper is being a little rapscallion." Bad sighed. "I'm going to go out for a drive to clear my head and give you space. Dapper shouldn't bother you, he's making friends with Jauna. You'll like her, I'm sure." Bad walked out the door. "Until you realize she's trans."


Bad found himself outside of Forever's house, but Forever wasn't home. He started to feel a thick jealousy in his stomach. He immediately wanted to know where Forever was. Was he working, or was he being sneaky with someone else?

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