Dark Matter Emergency

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TW// Mentions drug overdose

Bad and Skeppy made an unspoken agreement to fake it until they make it. Act like everything is normal, and maybe it will be.

It was a week later, and Skeppy was sleeping in Pomme's room. He had been. Not just because she was having really bad insomnia and nightmares. But because he felt scared of Bad. Not scared that he was dangerous, scared that he would feel guilty and confess more details of whatever happened. Skeppy didn't want to know more details.

Bad was in his room staring at the ceiling and listening to the fan blow. He got a call from Forever and immediately felt a jolt of electricity.

"Hello, Forever. My husband is home, but he's in the other room. We can talk." He whispered.

"M'nkay." Forever was breathing heavy, like he was about to fade out and fall asleep.

"You sound sleepy, you okay?"

"Not much time, Bad. Can I just..." Forever exhaled slowly and it turned into a small whine. "You're such a good friend, Bad."

"Forever...Are you okay?" Bad stood up and turned on his lamp. As if doing so would allow him to see what condition Forever was in.

"I'm okay, Bad." Forever let out a primal noise that could bluntly be described as dying animal taking it's last breath.

"You're not okay..." Bad chewed on his lip. It would be awkward to tell Skeppy where he was going. But it would be worse to just run off. "Forever, I'm coming over. Okay? Keep breathing. Can you tell me what you did before you called me?"

The call went dead as Forever hung up on Bad.

"Crap!" Bad ran to Pomme's door and tapped it once before barging in. Either way he was going to startle her. "I have to go see a friend, I think they are– I don't know, they need help. It's an emergency. Can you please call an ambulance and send them to 69 Koc Street?"

Skeppy got up and turned on a light. "Jesus– yeah, okay. Where's my phone?" Skeppy looked around frantically.

"Here." Pomme found it and handed it over.

Skeppy hesitated. "Are you sure it's an emergency? I hate calling 911."

"Yes, yes. I have to rush there and make sure he's stable. It's 69 Koc Street."

"Okay, okay." Skeppy dialed and waited. "This island needs to sue whoever names the streets..."


Cellbit was working that night. He had seen many things, had nearly broken down on several occasions. Dying babies, bleeding toddlers, kids that were shot while trying to learn. It all scarred and traumatized him. He was practically numb at this point. But rushing into Forever's house and seeing him vomiting and seizing– that almost got him.

Forever was stabilized in the back of the ambulance. He didn't answer questions but neither paramedic expected him to. He was fading in and out. It was clear he was having trouble comprehending anything. Especially from the other paramedic that was speaking English.

"Tudo bem." Cellbit breathed out. "Vamos superar isso juntos." It's okay, we're going to get through this together.

Forever whispered something that Cellbit couldn't identify a language for.

"O que?" What? Cellbit put a hand on Forever's arm, watching the monitor. "Em breve estaremos no hospital." We'll soon be at the hospital."

"Bad." Forever coughed like that one word had taken all the wind out of him.

"Bad? Ele nos encontrará." He will meet us. Cellbit knew that Forever and Bad had something special. He didn't know before he saw Bad crying over Forever's overdosing body, but he knew now. The way Bad screamed and begged for Cucurucho to do something, for anyone to do something. There was a deep fondness between them. "Ele estará lá, ok?" He will be there, okay?


Forever couldn't tell anyone what happened for the next 24 hours. All he knew was the wild dreams he had as he slipped back and fourth. But when he did finally come around, he was not surprised to see Cellbit at his bedside, arms crossed.

"Bad– Cellbit?"

"Ele estará de volta." He will be back.

"É... algo vai acontecer?" Is... something going to happen?

"Como o que?" Like what?

"Eu tenho que ser mandado embora? Para algum hospital para loucos." Do I have to be sent away? To some hospital for crazy people?

"Não...Sim... Isso é entre você e seu médico." No...yes...that's between you and your doctor.

Bad came back in the room. "Forever, hey! You look more awake." He lowered his voice in case Forever was overwhelmed. "I brought something." Bad smiled and raised a bouquet of yellow, orange, and green flowers. I thought this one looked happy and colorful." He set them down on the table next to the bed.

Forever couldn't smile or say thank you. He was too overstimulated. Mostly by the memories of what he tried. "I want to see my son..."

Cellbit awkwardly looked at Bad, hoping Bad knew more about that topic than he did.

"Could you give us a number to call? To contact your son's mother?" Bad asked sweetly.

Forever rubbed his face and made a growling sound. "Cair morto."

Cellbit made a face but didn't translate for Bad's sake. "He's getting agitated. It's best to just leave him now...it takes more than a day for them to come back around...and I mean, people here aren't...used to treating this sort of issue."

Bad sighed. "Yeah..." The general hospital had been blocked for weeks now. There had been a lot of suicide attempts lately. Enough to be suspicious. The children's hospital was taking in any immediate emergencies of adults. Like Forever. Until the general hospital managed to free some space.

"Let's go give him some space." Cellbit stepped outside with Bad. "I'm worried about him." He said, walking down the hall.

"Me too...I would've never seen this coming. He seems like such a...I don't know? Wake up at 6 to workout, watch the sun rise...happy– he just seemed like the happy "love life" type. Bad rubbed his face.

"Yeah...but everyone has darkness." Cellbit fidgeted with his hands. "But what I'm really thinking of is like...the table. You remember? You got there before me. You must've seen."

Bad definitely remembered what was on the table. "Yeah...It was...It was interesting. Maybe some sort of weird  game for the heck of it?"

"People use ouija boards for fun, drunk...with their friends. But a man alone with a pentagram and candles...then tries to take his own life? well it raises concerns, right?"

"It's a little...I don't know. But religions are all a little strange looking. We all have ways of communicating with Cucurucho." Bad shrugged.

"He was using black candles. He wasn't trying to connect with Cucurucho..." Cellbit stopped walking. "He was trying to contact the dark matter."

"Dark Cucurucho?"

"Whatever you want to call it." Cellbit shook his head. "Either way, something made Forever loss his sh– his fudging mind."

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