Fill Me Up

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One thing Bad was good at, was remembering his kid's birthdays. What he wasn't good at remembering, was filling up his tank. He broke down a couple minutes away from Forever's house. "gah! Gosh darn it!" He punched the steering wheel like that was going to fix something.

He checked his contacts, looking for someone loyal that he thought might be awake. He didn't want to wake Skeppy. The divorce was almost final and it had been going smooth. Bad didn't want to make things bumpy by revealing he was sneaking out to see the other man.

"You better be fucking dying." Foolish said as he rubbed his eyes.

"My car broke down, can you–"

Bad growled as the line went dead. He tried someone else.

"Hey, could you maybe help me? My car–"

"I haven't spoken to you in a year, what is dis shit?" Etoiles hung up.

Bad took a deep breath.

"Bagi, could you–"

"Uh, Bad. I am very sorry. I'm a little busy right now...I'm on a date."

"I'm stuck on the side of the road, could you just–"

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you. Have you tried someone else? Like Forever?"

Bad hung up this time. He calmed down and remembered he still hadn't called his classic reliable. The rings went through and his call was taken quickly.

"Hello Bad Boy."

"Can you help, please?" Bad was pouty and it was heard in his voice. "I broke down."

"What?! You break down on the side of the road?"

"No, on the side of the flipping moon, Baghera."

"Alright, be nice or I will not help you!"  Baghera covered the phone and mumbled to other people. "I'm with Forever and Cellbit. We'll all come by, okay? You just need gas, yeah?"

"O-oh, you're with Forever and Cellbit?"

"Yeah, yeah." Baghera noticed the hurt in Bad's tone. "You don't like that?"

"No, I was just wondering why I wasn't invited if you guys are hanging."

"Well, you have kids. You know? We assume you have other responsibilities this time of night." Baghera told a little lie. They really didn't think he would have the time. He didn't need to know Cellbit didn't care much for him. "We were just talking a bit, not even drinks...We were going to have drinks but Forever couldn't find anything."

"You know what..." Bad sighed. "Can you send just Forever to help fill me up."

Baghera put the phone down and Bad had to listen to her muffled hysterical laughter for a long time. She was gasping got breath, trying to explain what was funny but she couldn't get the words out. She ended up putting Bad on speaker. "Say! Say what you–" She snorted. "Say what you want!"

Bad wasn't even cracking a smile, he was annoyed. "I need Forever to meet me outside the Walmart, and fill me up."

Now both Brazilians were drowning in their own laughter too.

Bad hung up on them.

Baghera wiped some tears from her eyes. "That was good, I'm so fucking sore from that laugh. We better help him. He's stuck outside Walmart. We need to get him gas."


Bad waited in his car and helplessly smiled when Forever pulled up next to him. He put down his window when Forever got out.

"Who left this sexy man stranded out here?"

"You brought gas, right?" Bad rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but I want a kiss first." Forever put his head through the window.

"I don't want a kiss." Bad turned away.

Forever opened the car door. "What's wrong?"

"Why are you having fun with Cellbit and Baghera without me?"

"It was a not planned thing, Bad. I didn't mean to upset you." Forever put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad I had an excuse to see you though, I miss seeing you alone."

Bad couldn't stay mad when he had such a lovable man touching him. "I've been having a hard week– a hard life. Can we get into the back seat? I need something to take the edge off"

"Uh, for?"

Bad blinked innocently.

" You choose now? Really?"

"You don't want to?"

"No, I don't have standards. I will do it anywhere." Forever crawled into the backseat with Bad. "To be clear, you want to do this?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"I didn't think you'd be the type to have sex in a car, Bad."

"What?! Language! I was just going to let you braid my hair!"

"Oh– o-oh okay!" Forever crossed his legs. "Do you have a brush and a hairtye?"



Before long Bad was giggling and pushing against Forever's touch. "It feels so good when you touch me."

"Stop saying things like that!" Forever ran his fingers along the neatly done braid. "You're a tease." Forever planted a kiss on top of Bad's hair. "But I very much love you."

"Love?" Bad looked up.

"Sorry– that just came out. I know we aren't that close yet."

Bad shrugged. "I kind of love you too, but that might be crazy."

"You are crazy." Forever reminded him.

"Oh yeah, good point." Bad grinned. "I love you."

"You should get home, yeah?"

"I don't want to..." Bad frowned. "It's hard being in the house with Skeppy. Knowing I'm divorcing him, and I'll never get to kiss him again."

"You still love him?"

"Forever, that's a loaded question. There's love, a special kind. We started dating in highschool. He got to know me before I knew I was trans. I've cried with him over so many things. I had Dapper with him. He drove me to the clinic when I first started getting hormone therapy. He tried his best to be supportive...we made it work, we adopted Pomme. So many birthdays, halloweens, Christmases. So much...and now I have to start over with someone else. I already have babies, how can anyone bond with my babies? They already have a dad–" Bad choked on a sob he didn't even know was building. "And I'm crazy, I'm crazy. I buried Mariana– but I also killed before! I'm a fucking murderer! And I'm crazy!"

Forever tried to calm Bad down with a hug, and it seemed to somewhat work. He was still crying, but he wasn't ranting anymore. "You're fucking crazy, yes, yes." Forever moved some of Bad's hair and whispered in his ear. "But I am into that."

St. Cucurocho's {Skephalo/4halo AU} COMPLETE (mess)Where stories live. Discover now