Alone With Wine

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Bad got out of his car and became face to face with Forever's house. He seemed to be the first one there, so he nervously approached the door. He looked around and rung the doorbell. It echoed throughout the entire house, which definitely wasn't small. It seems that the stereotype that medical workers have large houses is holding up.

Forever came to the door and smiled wide. "Ah! Dr. Halo! Come in."

Bad stepped in and smiled subtly. "Hey, I must be early. Am I the only one here?"

"Uh yeah?" Forever tilted his head. "You're the only one coming."

Bad immediately felt stupid and a little too hot. "Wait, I thought this was a meetup like last time?"

"I'm sorry, you didn't understand. It's just us..." Forever furrowed his brows. "Unless you don't want to hang out alone, I'd understand. You were just the only one available and I get quite lonely."

"No, no, it's okay." Bad took off his shoes and his coat and went to get comfortable on Forever's couch. A small Pomeranian came bouncing down the hall, immediately making Bad feel more at ease. "Aw, hello!" Bad let the dog drown him in kisses.

"Nelsinho, I'm getting jealous." Forever teased as he watched Bad pet the dog lovingly."

"What?" Bad laughed. He couldn't take the time to be embarrassed when he had such a cute dog giving him attention. "Your dog is so cute!"

"I know, he's so cute!" Forever agreed and reached over to pet the dog too. Like a perfect Hallmark movie, his hand touched Bad's by accident.

Bad stopped petting the dog and cleared his throat. "So, what were we going to do?"

"I thought we could have a few drinks and watch a movie."

"Uhm..." Bad didn't want to be rude, but this felt a little too personal.

"You're uncomfortable..." Forever frowned. "I'm not trying to flirt with you, really."

Bad shrugged and whispered, "It feels like you are..."

"I'm sorry, I can be a bit playful I guess. I know you're married, and with children."

"Yeah..." Bad figured Forever was lying at least a little bit. But he shamefully enjoyed it. "I just don't want to overstep Skeppy's boundaries, you know. Having drinks with another man is a bit..."

"I'm straight." Forever stated firmly. "It's okay, I'm not actually interested."

"Oh..." Bad was disappointed yet relieved. "Are you trying to play with my feelings?"

"What? No. It's not that if you don't want me. I'm looking for friendship."

Bad didn't believe Forever, this had to be more. Forever must've been looking for something casual. But, that didn't make him leave. "Well, what movie did you want to watch?"

"How about you pick?" Forever suggested, wanting Bad to feel more comfortable. His goal was technically innocent. In the sense that he wanted to get to know Bad. It was evil in the sense that it was romantic, and he didn't care that Bad was married.

"Oh um..." Bad tried to think of a completely wholesome movie that can set a friendly atmosphere. "How about a Disney movie?"

Forever laughed. "Are you fucking with me?"

"No, language."

Forever apologized for his language. "You aren't with your children. Why would you want to watch a Disney movie?"

"Have you ever watch Alice In Wonderland while drunk on wine?"

"Uh, no?"

"It's an experience."

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