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Seven Days a Week - 01


Third Person POV

Minji was walking, simply enjoying the fresh air. As she strolled through the park, she noticed a figure sitting on a bench.

There was something vaguely familiar about them. She decided to take a seat beside them, leaving a bit of distance.

Sitting there, she let her gaze wander, her phone in her hand. The person beside her seemed lost in thought, their expression distant, as if lost in a world of their own.

They didn't seem to pay much attention to Minji, and Minji didn't mind at all.

Minji stole glances, finding something oddly attractive about the person.

"Quite intriguing," she thought to herself, fully aware that she was just a passing presence in their world.




[Time Skipped]

"Han, want some bread?" Minji turned to her shorter companion, mischief twinkling in her eyes.

Hanni's face lit up with excitement, hands eagerly reaching for the offered treat. "Thanks, bro!" Hanni exclaimed with a grin.

"You got it, bro!" Minji replied, a warm camaraderie evident between them. "Umm, Pham , I'm going to the restroom! Bye..." Minji excused herself, briefly disappearing.

Upon her return, Minji retraced her steps back to her room, the world around her a comforting blur.

It was then that she spotted a familiar figure, a sense of recognition tingling at the edges of her mind.

"Wait!" she called out, closing the distance.

As the person turned, Minji's breath caught. Yes, she knew them—the enigmatic figure from the park, who had shared that quiet bench with her.

"Are you the person I saw  yesterday?" Minji inquired, curiosity lacing her voice.

"No," came the reply.

"No?" Minji echoed, a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "Yeah." The response was swift, the person starting to walk away.

Minji's heart raced as she mustered her courage. "Wait!" she pleaded, her gaze locked onto their retreating form.

"You... You have the same face. The same expression!"

She halted them, her eyes finding confirmation in their neat uniform. There it was, plain as day—'Lee Y/n' neatly written.

"So, Lee Y/n," Minji beamed, extending a hand in greeting.

"Lovely to meet you. I'm Kim Minji."





(To be continued)

Seven Days a Week [K.MJ x Reader]✓Where stories live. Discover now