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Seven Days a Week - 06


Third Person POV

The days seemed to pass in a blur, and you found yourself growing increasingly close to Minji's friends. They were a lively bunch, always quick with a joke or a comforting word. Their warmth and kindness were infectious, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for Hyein and Minji for bringing them into your life.

One morning, as you strolled down the hallway lost in your thoughts, a voice called out your name. You turned to meet Minji's gaze, her eyes bright with a genuine smile.

"Good morning, Y/n!" she greeted you, her voice warm and cheerful.

"Good morning," you replied, a smile naturally forming on your lips.

Minji's request to walk with you was met with an immediate acceptance. "Of course. You don't need to ask," you assured her, appreciating her company.

As you continued down the hall together, Minji's smile seemed to grow even wider, her shyness melting away in the comfort of your presence.

"Are you available?" she inquired, her tone a mix of hope and hesitation.

"Another hangout, perhaps?" you mused, genuinely curious about the prospect.

"Maybe, yes!" She nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable.

"Alright, if I find the time today, I'll let you know... though my schedule is a bit uncertain," you explained, wanting to be honest with her.

"It's okay, hehe," she giggled, her laughter filling the hallway like a gentle melody.





[Time Skipped]

The cafeteria buzzed with the energy of students, and Minji and her friends were no exception. They gathered, sharing stories and laughter, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie.

Hanni, in her typically candid manner, protested playfully, "Bro, I'm tired of hearing about Lee Y/n! God!!"

Hyein couldn't resist chiming in, "Just wait, Unnie. When Minji and Y/n get together, she'll talk about them 24/7."

Haerin, leaning into the conversation, confessed, "Minji Unnie being down bad for Y/n is kind of cute to me. I don't know why."

Dani, always the voice of reason, nodded in agreement. "Because it's adorable!"

Hanni teased, "Yeah, now Minji is just like you. You're down bad for Dani, and Minji is down bad for Lee Y/n!"

Haerin added with a playful wink, "And Dani, you're down bad for me too."

Hyein, ever the strategist, suggested, "Let's just wait a bit, and Y/n might find themselves down bad for Minji too."

Hanni, intrigued by the notion, responded with a mischievous grin, "Hmm, let's see."

Just then, Minji's phone chimed, and a smile graced her lips as she read the message.

(Soon to be loml) Y/nnie: yeah I am free. We can hang out 👍.

"Y/n says they're free!" Minji announced to her friends, her excitement contagious.

"That's great news!" Dani exclaimed, her eyes bright with anticipation.

"We get to hang out with Y/n again? That's good because Y/n is quite interesting to talk to!" Hanni remarked, her enthusiasm infectious.

Hyein, ever the mastermind, turned to Minji with a plan. "Minji Unnie, I have a plan. Sorry to the other unnies."

"What's your plan, Hyein?" Minji asked, intrigued by the proposal.

"Yeah, what is it?" Haerin inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Hyein's idea was met with nods of approval, and she explained, "How about this time, you and Y/n hang out together?"

"That's a great idea!" Dani agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yeah, just don't do anything funny!" Hanni playfully warned, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Hanni is  being over possessive!" Haerin side eyed.

"Haerin, you know our Kitty talks much lately!" Hanni teased, earning a playful roll of the eyes from Haerin.

"Shut up, all of you. And Minji Unnie, what do you think?" Hyein turned to Minji, who had been lost in thought.

"I think it's... a good idea," Minji said, her eyes lighting up with determination, her heart racing at the thought of spending more time with you.






(To be continued)

Seven Days a Week [K.MJ x Reader]✓Where stories live. Discover now