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Seven Days A week - 12

- Third Person Pov -

As you sat at the breakfast table with your family, a solemn atmosphere filled the room. The clinking of utensils and the occasional murmur of servants carrying out their duties were the only sounds. It was as if an unspoken tension lingered in the air, affecting everyone's mood.

Amid the quietness, your mother's voice cut through the atmosphere, "Y/n, meet me in my study." Her words carried a cold tone, and she rose from her seat after finishing her breakfast.

You nodded in acknowledgment, your focus momentarily shifting from your meal to the upcoming encounter.

With an air of uncertainty, you continued to eat, the taste of your breakfast now tinged with the anticipation of what awaited you.

Your brother, Heeseung, leaned in from his seat, whispering, "Why do you think Mother is calling you?"

Your gaze met his, and you replied, "I don't know." There was a shared understanding that whatever the reason, it might not be pleasant.

"Let's just pray it's not something bad. Her mood has been off since yesterday," Heeseung remarked, his concern mirroring your own.

With a sigh, you nodded in agreement, contemplating the unknown conversation that awaited you in your mother's study.

- Your Pov -

The atmosphere in the house was tense as I finished my breakfast and headed towards my mother's study. Standing outside the door, I took a moment to compose myself before knocking. Her voice called me inside.

As I entered, I found my mother sitting behind her desk, engrossed in paperwork. The room felt cold, and I could sense the gravity of the conversation that was about to unfold.

"So, you came?" she mumbled, lifting her eyes briefly from the documents.

I nodded, a sense of apprehension building within me.

"Do you know why I called you here?" she asked, her gaze piercing through mine.

I shook my head, unsure of what specific issue she wanted to address.

"I received your report card," she announced, her tone cold and unforgiving, extracting a paper from her drawer.

My heart sank as I glanced at the document that determined my academic fate.

"The main problem is that you did well but not better," she remarked, disappointment etched across her face.

Attempting to defend myself, I started, "Mother, I was still in 2nd place—"

Before I could finish my sentence, she coldly cut me off. "Have you forgotten that you can't talk back to me? Where are your manners, or have you lost them along with your results? Y/n, I am disappointed. Very disappointed. If you get this in class, then start living with your father! I don't need a child like you who can't achieve the top position!" she scolded, throwing the report card away.

My attempts to explain my efforts were met with frustration. "But I tried," I defended, meeting her stern gaze.

"Tsk* what? Then what is it, hmm? If you tried, then why weren't you in 1st place?" she interrogated, leaving me momentarily speechless.

The weight of her expectations pressed upon me as I fell silent.

"Do you know what, Y/n? Let's just stop studying and go live with your father! With that...bastard. I know you will be like him. Useless!" she declared, shifting her attention back to her paperwork.

Seven Days a Week [K.MJ x Reader]✓Where stories live. Discover now