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Seven Days a Week - 16

- Third Person Pov -




"WHAT!?" Hyein's exclamation startled your cat, making it jump off her lap. She shot you a wide-eyed look.

"Uh... yeah... Minji and I... we're dating," you admitted, meeting Hyein's gaze. The younger girl's expression morphed into a frown, coupled with an angry pout.

"You've been dating for like seven days, and you didn't bother telling me?!" Hyein voiced her displeasure, getting up from the bed to approach you. "Sorry, Hyein... I just wasn't ready, that's why I didn't say anything," you explained, sensing her frustration.

"And not a word from you! I had to find out through Minji's message! What did she say, huh? 'Babe, can we meet? I miss you!'" Hyein mocked Minji's voice, scrutinizing your reaction.

"I'm sorry, Hyein," you apologized, a tinge of guilt in your tone. She crossed her arms, deliberately looking away.

"Not cool, Lee Y/n! You're dating behind my back? In Lee Hyein's back!?" Hyein scolded, holding her ground with defiance.

You gulped and rose from your chair. "I am sorry."


"I'm really, really super-duper sorry!"

"Hmph! Hmph!"

"How about I make it up to you with some ice cream? Will you forgive me?"

"Ice cream?" Hyein finally looked at you, and you nodded.

"Uh, it's cold season here, you dumb!" She chided, playfully smacking your shoulder.

"But we can still enjoy it, can't we?" You suggested with a hopeful smile. Hyein nodded, her smirk softening.

"Okay, let's go then!"

- Your Pov -




Taking another bite of the ice cream, I remarked, "Uh, I think I'm going to catch a cold." I fed myself with the spoon, enjoying the chilly sweetness. Hyein whined, "I'm already sniffing, godddd!!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I hope you suffer!" I teased, and she responded by smacking my arms. "Ouch, Hyein!!" I protested, but she just laughed, rolling her eyes.

"How dare you smack your elder!" I joked, and she chuckled. "Sorry, I forgot you're practically a senior citizen! My bad, hehe." Laughter filled the air as I shook my head.

Suddenly, Hyein's phone rang, and she retrieved it from her pocket. "Hello?" I observed her talking on the phone.
"Whaattt?!" Hyein exclaimed, leaving me puzzled.

"Okay, come to the ice cream stall! Yeah, the one closer to Y/n's house. Yup, we are here! Y/n will pay for you guys ice creams too, so don't worry!" Hyein conveyed the message to someone on the phone, then hung up and placed her phone on the table.

"Who was that?" I inquired, looking up at her. "You forgot to get something, Check," Hyein said, leaving me perplexed.

"No, I didn't forget to get something-" I started, checking my jacket pocket, and then widened my eyes.

"My phone?" I said, and she sighed, rolling her eyes. A laugh escaped me as I scratched my neck. "But what about my phone?" I questioned her, still puzzled.

"Didn't your wife message you? Didn't you reply? Nah, you didn't." She remarked, looking at me.

"When did I get married? Who is my wife?" I questioned, confused. She sighed, "Y/n, can you lean in a bit?"

"Why?" I asked. "Just lean in a bit closer, please." I complied.

Suddenly, she lightly smacked my head. I looked at her, confused, and touched the place where she smacked.

"Didn't you date Kim Minji?" She questioned, and I nodded. "So, isn't she your wife?" She continued, and I leaned back.

"But we didn't get married..." I pointed out, and Hyein sighed, rubbing her head. "How did Minji unnie even end up dating this person?" She whined as I looked at her, still confused.

"Hyein, take a breath, and out... You, Lee Y/n, your girlfriend Kim Minji messaged you earlier. By that, I caught that you both have been dating for like seven days, and you brought me here to treat me to ice cream so I can forgive you... but how could you forget to message her back, you dumb bitch!!?" Hyein scolded suddenly, and my eyes widened.

"Shit..." I mumbled.

"She called you like 50 times, now she thinking you were angry because she was being too clingy and that you got bored of her..." She explained, sighing.

"Where is she?! I'm gonna meet her!" I exclaimed, getting up from my seat. Hyein rolled her eyes.

"Sit! They are coming."

- Kim Minji Pov -




"Babe, are you upset with me?" I asked, embracing Y/n tightly, reluctant to let them go. Y/n shook their head. "I'm never mad at you... I'm genuinely sorry for not responding to your messages." Y/n apologized, and I pouted, gazing at them and nodding.

"It's alright... just promise me you won't forget to reply. It really freaked me out. I thought you were planning to break up with me..." I admitted, hugging Y/n as I nestled into their embrace. "No, I would never do that." Y/n reassured me, and I smiled, continuing to hold them.

"I love you," I whispered, planting a gentle kiss on Y/n's cheek. "I love you too," Y/n smiled, and I reciprocated with a warm smile.

"You're adorable!" Y/n declared, and i chuckled. "You're even cuter!" I mumbled, gently cupping Y/n's cheek. "But you're the cutest!" Y/n insisted, though I shook my head.

"No, it's definitely you-" I argued, but before I could finish, Hanni's voice broke in, "None of you are cute. If anyone is cute here, it's ME!" She declared, teasingly taking a bite from her ice cream cup.

I rolled my eyes. "You're just short, nothing else!" I teased, hugging Y/n's arm and resting my head on their shoulder.

"If there's anyone cute in my eyes, it's only Lee-" I started to say before Hyein interrupted, "Yes, it's Lee Hyein. Right, unnie?" She said, looking at me.

I shook my head. "You can be cute, but my Y/nnie is the cutest!" I insisted, glancing at Y/n, who blushed.

"Okay, okay, whatever. Ugh, another couple in our group, jeez!" Hanni whined. "Where's Daerin, by the way?" Hyein asked as I smiled. "They went out on a date, hehe... that's why I was messaging Y/n to see if we could... but look what happened, hehe." I explained, and Hyein looked at me.

"Hey, you guys can go on a date now! Hanni and I will be here, don't worry!" Hyein suggested, and I looked at Y/n.

"Do you want to?" Y/n asked, and I eagerly nodded my head.

"Alright, let's go," Y/n agreed, and I smiled, getting up and holding out my hand. Y/n grabbed it.

"Ayyy, when am I gonna find my match!" Hanni complained. "It's the rat in my house!" Hyein teased.



"Uh oh... let's go!" I pulled Y/n away from them as they were about to get into a playful argument.

A/n : hello kids~ 👁️👄👁️

Hey, I've just created a new book featuring Minji x Reader x Hanni. If you're into love triangles, feel free to check it out! ❤️😣

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