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Seven Days A Week-09





Third Person Pov

As the school day came to a close, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campus. You and Minji walked together, the soft murmurs of fellow students creating a backdrop to your conversation.

It was a day like any other, yet, there was an underlying excitement in the air, an anticipation of what the evening held.

Minji, unable to contain her enthusiasm, had requested this hangout.

The prospect of spending time with you outside the confines of school had her practically bouncing with joy.

As you strolled through the familiar path leading away from the school, the air was charged with a mixture of laughter, shared secrets, and unspoken sentiments.

Minji, usually confident and composed, seemed a bit nervous today. Her usual playful banter was replaced by a subtle shyness, and it was endearing to witness this different side of her.

It was as if the prospect of this hangout held a special significance beyond what words could convey.

"I'm really excited to meet your cat!" Minji suddenly burst out, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you two. Her eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity and eagerness.

You couldn't help but smile, captivated by her genuine enthusiasm. "Sure thing," you replied, nodding your head.

The shared excitement added a new layer to your connection, and the anticipation of what the evening held lingered in the atmosphere.

Eventually, the two of you found yourselves in front of your house. It was a familiar sight, yet today, it held a sense of anticipation.

The doorbell echoed through the entrance, signaling the beginning of an evening that promised shared moments and laughter.

The door swung open, revealing a servant who greeted you respectfully.

"Is Mom home?" you inquired, glancing at the familiar face.

"She will be after a bit," came the polite reply.

With a nod, you turned to Minji, ready to continue the adventure that awaited.

"Let's head to my room; you'll meet my cat," you suggested, and Minji's eyes lit up with a mixture of curiosity and delight.

As you ascended the staircase, the air was charged with a sense of anticipation.

The familiar surroundings of your home welcomed you both. It was a place filled with memories and warmth.

As you walked, you found yourself joined by a familiar voice.

"Oh, Y/n, you're home?" your brother, Lee Heeseung, called out.

"Yeah, I am," you responded calmly, turning to acknowledge him.

Heeseung's eyes shifted to Minji, a spark of recognition in his gaze. "Is that Kim Minji?" he inquired.

You nodded, and Minji offered a polite bow. "Hello, Oppa," she greeted with a warmth that suggested she was no stranger to the dynamics of your household.

"Hey, Minji. You and Y/n-ah are friends?" Heeseung asked, his curiosity evident.

"Yes, we are," Minji replied, a genuine smile gracing her features.

"Eh, can we go to my room now?" you interjected, glancing at your brother for approval.

"Yeah, you can, just call me if you need any help, okay?" Heeseung responded, his attention already shifting elsewhere.

"Okay, we will," you confirmed, turning to Minji with a reassuring smile. The door to your room awaited, a gateway to the next chapter of the evening.

"Shall we?" you asked, and Minji, with a nod and a cute smile, affirmed her readiness.

As the door closed behind you, the space within your room seemed to expand with the promise of shared moments and laughter.

Your room, meticulously organized and reflecting your personality, spoke of comfort and familiarity.

But it was the presence of a small, furry creature on the bed that stole the spotlight – Cookie, your cat, peacefully dozing in a sunlit corner.

"Seems Cookie is sleeping," you remarked, your voice carrying a hint of affection.

Minji, catching the words with a slight delay, asked, "What?"

"Cookie, my cat. She's sleeping on the bed," you clarified, gesturing towards the peacefully napping feline.

"Owwh," Minji couldn't help but express her delight, the sound carrying a mix of surprise and joy. The atmosphere in the room seemed to echo with the shared anticipation of the evening that lay ahead.

 The atmosphere in the room seemed to echo with the shared anticipation of the evening that lay ahead

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